Comprehension Essential Activities for Grade 3


Character Adjectives Worksheet

Character Adjectives Worksheet
To communicate with others, we need the words to describe our feelings. Increase your child’s vocabulary and give him or her the tools to express themselves using this meaningful character adjectives PDF worksheet. While working, your child will identify all the words with a positive connotation.
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Finding Character Traits Worksheet
Before beginning this worksheet, you might want to make sure that your kids know what a character trait is. A trait should not be confused with a feeling, because feelings are temporary, while a trait comes with a character’s entire personality. If we pay careful attention to what a character says and does in a story, we can usually learn about some of the traits which the character possesses. Help your kids read the description of the characters in the worksheet, and then circle the trait that best describes the character.
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First and Third Person Point of View Worksheet
Start this worksheet exercise with reminding your kids what a point of view is in a story. When a writer uses characters in their book, sometimes they use different points of views to tell the story to the readers. Sometimes in a story, the character is telling the story to the reader. This point of view is called first person. Third person point of view comes from the narrator. Read the sentences in the exercise to your students and ask them to check off if it in the first or third point of view.
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Food Chain Cause Worksheet
All animals have their own food chain, with some being shorter or longer than others. Help your little learner analyze the ecosystem and compare food chains using this thought-provoking science worksheet from Kids Academy! To complete, kids will get to work comparing a carnivore’s food chain with that of an herbivore. Which is longer, and why? Work through the questions at the bottom of the page to compare and circle the best answers to complete!
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Food Chains Worksheet
Plants and animals are all part of a larger food chain, which drives the cycle of life! This intriguing worksheet will get your little scientist thinking about the most important part of any food chain: the sun! Instruct learners to read the information on the page, starting with the fact that the sun helps the plants to grow. After reading, consider the true or false question. Are large animals the most important? Discuss this with your child, and how without the sun, none of the other organisms would exist. Circle the correct answer to complete this fascinating page!
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Golden Eagles Worksheet
Check your child’s reading comprehension with this fascinating worksheet that will teach your little reader all about golden eagles! Task your child with reading the passage at the top of the page. What did they learn about these amazing birds? After discussing, guide children to the bottom to read each “fact” from the text. Are the statements true or false? Instruct learners to circle the correct answer and go back to the text to prove or disprove each!
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Match The Mood Worksheet
People have different moods that usually match their current emotions, and can be influenced by their surroundings or the things happening around them. Ask your child if they can tell you what kind of moods he usually experiences. Every mood has a name that describes how the person is feeling. For example, sad, happy, hurt or worried. Read the sentences in this worksheet aloud to your kids. Then, help them check the picture that matches the situation.
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Point of View Worksheet
It is important that readers know exactly who is telling a story while reading it. This is so that readers can understand the story properly and also connect better with the story. In order to tell what kind of point of view the author is using, your kids can pay careful attention to the pronouns used in telling the story. Read the story in this worksheet with your students and help them figure out which point of view it is being told from.
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Story Structure Worksheet
Every good story has a structure, and writers often follow this structure to offer clarity to their readers. A story has a beginning where the characters and setting are often introduced. Then, there is the middle of the story, where some of the major events in the story happen. Finally, there is the ending of the story, where all the events are usually resolved and wrapped up. Help your students read the story in this worksheet and then figure out the different parts of the story.
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The New Teacher Worksheet
If your kids are already very interested in literature and short stories, they would be very excited to complete this exercise. You can encourage them to write their own short story before beginning this exercise. The children in this worksheet, Rosa and Miguel, are in their first day of school, and are meeting their new teacher for the first time. Read the story aloud to your kids and make sure they pay attention to the descriptions the story gives about Rosa’s feelings. After the story, help your kids circle the correct picture showing the answer to the question.
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Tommys Test Worksheet
Reading short stories to your students is a great way to establish a bond between the both of you, and also a good way to teach them some new words and lessons. The story in this worksheet introduces your child to some new words, as well as uses simple words they are already familiar with. Read the story aloud to them. Read it a second time, and make sure that they are listening to all the little details. At the end of the story, ask them the two questions at the bottom of the printout. Help them check the correct answers.
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