North, south, east, or west, your child needs to know which direction to go!
Explore Alien City in this adorable cardinal directions 2nd-grade worksheet designed to help your child learn directions! This worksheet will increase map skills as kids read the compass and legend to find out where the aliens should go!
Using cardinal (North, South, East and West) and Intercardinal Directions (Northeast/Northwest, Southeast/Southwest) are important social studies and geography concepts for young students to learn. This colorful PDF offers them pictures of compasses that they'll use to decide which direction the needle is pointing. It's a real-world skill that they don't often get to practice in a digital age, but an important one for common curriculum as well as independent living skills.
When young geographers are learning about the Equator they'll love this colorful and free worksheet! They'll learn the equator is an imaginary line around the middle of the Earth, which is sometimes a hard concept to grasp without picture representation. They'll look at what the equator might look like if they could see the entire Earth, and they'll then check off which picture is an accurate representation of the equator across a flat world map in the available boxes.
Let your young geographer show what they know as they learn about what a world map will tell them. They'll find out that a world map shows all of the oceans and continents and is different from a country map or a road map. Then, they'll answer the true/false questions about a world map on this colorful and free worksheet, and find success in being global citizens who know what the purposes of world maps are.