Ancient Leaders - Lesson for Grade 3, Chapter - Ancient History

In this engaging lesson titled "Ancient Leaders," Grade 3 students will embark on a fascinating journey back in time to the Ancient World. This lesson is a key part of the Ancient History chapter and aims to introduce young learners to the influential leaders who shaped early civilizations. Through activities like the "Alexander the Great Maze Worksheet" and the "Egyptian Kings and Queens Worksheet," students will not only discover who these iconic figures were but also understand their significant impacts on history.

Learning about Alexander the Great, students will explore the vast empire he built and his role in spreading Greek culture across three continents, highlighting the interconnectedness of ancient societies. The exploration of Egyptian kings and queens will unveil the rich history of the Nile Valley and the monumental achievements of its rulers, from the construction of the pyramids to advancements in writing and mathematics.

Understanding the contributions of these ancient leaders is crucial as it lays the groundwork for comprehending how their innovations, strategies, and governance have shaped the modern world.

Estimated classroom time: 6 min
Chapter: Ancient History
Unit: The Ancient World
Click on any activity below to start learning.
3:00 min
Alexander the Great Maze Worksheet
Alexander the Great Maze Worksheet
3:00 min
Egyptian Kings and Queens Worksheet
Egyptian Kings and Queens Worksheet
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  • Activity 1 / Alexander the Great Maze Worksheet

    Alexander the Great was an amazing figure in history who traveled to many places on legendary conquests! Help elementary historians understand his journey by completing this exciting maze from Kids Academy! To get started, read the explanation at the top to learn more about Alexander the Great. Then begin tracing a path through the maze and find where he and his army ends up at the end: India!

  • Activity 2 / Egyptian Kings and Queens Worksheet

    Ancient Egyptian rulers were unlike any modern rulers we are familiar with today! Help your child brush up on his or her world history lessons by using this fascinating social studies worksheet from Kids Academy! While working, kids will learn about pharaohs and queens, including famous Egyptian rulers, like King Tut and Queen Cleopatra! Simply read through the description at the top, and then mark the statements below as either true or false.