Heating and Cooling - Lesson for Grade 2, Chapter - Matter

In the "Heating and Cooling" lesson, designed for Grade 2 students under the Matter unit of Science, learners embark on an exciting journey through the transformative world of matter. This lesson aims to unravel the mysteries of how matter changes state through the processes of heating and cooling. Students will explore the intriguing concepts of changing states of matter, delving deep into how solid turns into liquid and how liquid can travel back to solid or even become a gas, by engaging in hands-on activities like the Reversible Irreversible Changes worksheet and the States of Matter: Freezing and Melting worksheet.

Understanding these concepts is crucial not just for academic growth but for everyday life. By grasping the fundamentals of how heating and cooling affect the states of matter, students learn the science behind everyday phenomena — from why water boils to become steam to how freezing water turns into ice. This knowledge helps young learners build a foundation for more complex scientific concepts they will encounter in the future, fostering a lifelong curiosity and appreciation for the natural world.

Estimated classroom time: 10 min
Chapter: Matter
Unit: Science
Click on any activity below to start learning.
4:00 min
Changing States of Matter
Changing States of Matter
3:00 min
Reversible Irreversible Changes Worksheet
Reversible Irreversible Changes Worksheet
3:00 min
States of Matter: Freezing and Melting Worksheet
States of Matter: Freezing and Melting Worksheet
Share your lesson with students by clicking:
  • Activity 1 / Changing States of Matter

  • Activity 2 / Reversible Irreversible Changes Worksheet

    When you crack an egg and cook it, there’s no going back to the way it was before!
    Teach your child that heating or cooling some substances causes physical changes using this intriguing reversible irreversible changes worksheet. Afterwards, head to the kitchen to help your child experiment for themselves!

  • Activity 3 / States of Matter: Freezing and Melting Worksheet

    Materials can exist in more than one form; they can be either in a liquid form, or a solid form. These are called states of matter. However, when heated or cooled, matter changes its state. When heated, some solid materials change to liquid, and this process is called melting. When cooled, materials that were in liquid form turn into solid, and this process is known as freezing. Look through the pictures in the worksheet with your students. Ask them what changes of state are shown in the pictures, then trace on the dotted lines to the correct answers.