Check out this FREE "Letter-sound correlation" Trial Lesson for age 7!

Sound Is All Around Us

With answer key
  • 7
  • Letter-sound correlation
The SH Digraph Worksheet
The SH Digraph Worksheet

The SH Digraph Worksheet

There are many phonetic sounds, each with its own unique sound. When two or more consonants are combined to create a new sound, it's called a digraph. Example: the sh digraph creates the /sh/ sound. Have kids look at the pictures and say the words aloud. Help them circle the images ending with /sh/, like 'wash'.
The SH Digraph Worksheet
Sounds Are Everywhere! Worksheet
Sounds Are Everywhere! Worksheet

Sounds Are Everywhere! Worksheet

Ask your students to recall objects that make sound. Then, help them identify the sources of sound in the pictures of this worksheet.
Sounds Are Everywhere! Worksheet