Vocabulary enhancement Worksheets for 8-Year-Olds - Page 2


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Counting Faces 3D

With answer key
  • 8
  • Vocabulary enhancement
The Native Americans Worksheet
The Native Americans Worksheet

The Native Americans Worksheet

Ask your students who the Native Americans are and give them a history lesson if needed. Read the text about the Native Americans and circle the past tense verbs. The text describes events that occurred when the first Pilgrims arrived in America.
The Native Americans Worksheet
Reading: Long E and IE Worksheet
Reading: Long E and IE Worksheet

Reading: Long E and IE Worksheet

Ask your child to name some words with the long /e/ sound they hear every day. Then, read aloud all the words in the worksheet with them. Ask them to circle the words containing ie that make this sound.
Reading: Long E and IE Worksheet
Faces of 3D Shapes Worksheet
Faces of 3D Shapes Worksheet

Faces of 3D Shapes Worksheet

Point at random body parts and ask your child to name them. Point to their face and ask them to identify it. Use this worksheet to show how "face" doesn't just refer to body parts - it can also mean the flat surface of a solid shape. Check the picture to find the matching solid shape for each face shown.
Faces of 3D Shapes Worksheet
Worksheet: words that start with "ch"
Worksheet: words that start with "ch"

Words That Start with "ch" Spelling Worksheet

With Kids Academy, learning phonics and spelling has never been easier. Kids Academy's "ch" tracing worksheet makes it easy for your little one to learn phonics and spelling. It features cute, brightly colored images to help them trace familiar words, making learning fun and enjoyable.
Words That Start with "ch" Spelling Worksheet
Constellations Printable Word Search
Constellations Printable Word Search

Constellations Word Search Printable

Kids can have fun and learn about constellations with this printable word search. Solve the puzzle to find out fun facts, then use the knowledge to spot them in the night sky!
Constellations Word Search Printable
Grizzly Bear Facts Worksheet for 3rd Graders
Grizzly Bear Facts Worksheet for 3rd Graders

Grizzly Bear Facts Worksheet

Kids will separate truth from fiction in this engaging worksheet about the grizzly bear! Third graders will use their prior knowledge to read the facts and determine which are true and false. Give your child an interesting way to learn more with this vibrant worksheet!
Grizzly Bear Facts Worksheet
Rainforest plants worksheet
Rainforest plants worksheet

Rainforest Plants Worksheet

Revised: Get a better understanding of rainforest flora with this professionally crafted rainforest plants worksheet. Outline the distinguishing characteristics of each plant and have kids identify the plants that are common to rainforests.
Rainforest Plants Worksheet
Suffix Ness Worksheet PDF
Suffix Ness Worksheet PDF

Suffix Ness Worksheet

Words are amazing! Add an ending and they can change part of speech. Make nouns out of adjectives with -ness. This worksheet has a fun maze to help learners increase vocabulary and language skills.
Suffix Ness Worksheet
Sight Word Archery Worksheet
Sight Word Archery Worksheet

Sight Word Archery Worksheet

Read the words list with your kids, pointing at each one. Ask them to do the same. Help them find the arrows with those words and trace the line to the target in the centre.
Sight Word Archery Worksheet
Adding up to 100 with Regrouping: Page 37
Adding up to 100 with Regrouping: Page 37
Adding up to 100 with Regrouping: Page 37
Making a Correct Number Line: Balcony Garden Worksheet
Making a Correct Number Line: Balcony Garden Worksheet

Making a Correct Number Line: Balcony Garden Worksheet

Teach your child to draw and identify a line plot with this worksheet. Have them help Sophia check her plot for the heights of plants in her balcony, ensuring no numbers are skipped. Line plots are a great way to quickly organize information and an essential skill your child needs.
Making a Correct Number Line: Balcony Garden Worksheet
Sort the Nouns Worksheet
Sort the Nouns Worksheet

Sort the Nouns Worksheet

Nouns are words for people, places, things, and ideas. This worksheet helps kids focus on three categories: people, places, and things (including animals). All the words are nouns; the task is to match them to the correct category. Circle the answer for each!
Sort the Nouns Worksheet
Reading: How Many Syllables Worksheet
Reading: How Many Syllables Worksheet

Reading: How Many Syllables Worksheet

This worksheet helps students practice counting syllables. They read each word, count the syllables, and circle single-syllable words. Mastering this skill helps with fluency and comprehension, so it's worth the effort! Use this printout to clear up any confusion.
Reading: How Many Syllables Worksheet
Prefix pre and suffix ful worksheet
Prefix pre and suffix ful worksheet

Prefix pre– and Suffix ful– Worksheet

Can't preforget something! This worksheet helps kids learn how to attach prefixes and suffixes to root words, forming new words that make sense. With this activity, they'll evaluate how the root words change when adding the prefix or suffix.
Prefix pre– and Suffix ful– Worksheet
Across Genres: Character Check Worksheet
Across Genres: Character Check Worksheet

Across Genres: Character Check Worksheet

Read the sentences to your kids, then have them match the pictures to them. Ask them to look at the pictures and help them check which one goes with the sentence. The aim is to see how well they can do this exercise. (80 words)
Across Genres: Character Check Worksheet
Lady Liberty Worksheet
Lady Liberty Worksheet

Lady Liberty Worksheet

Have your students ever been to the Statue of Liberty? Ask them to tell you where it is and what it looks like. Every day, the statue draws a crowd admiring its beauty, taking pics and learning more about it. Pose a word problem and help them check the answer. Circle the correct total. (80 words)
Lady Liberty Worksheet
Poem: The Swing Worksheet
Poem: The Swing Worksheet

Poem: The Swing Worksheet

Encourage your child's love of writing by displaying their poems on the fridge or walls. This worksheet focuses on a swing, something your child enjoys, and contains questions to help your child think more deeply about the poem. Read it together, then answer the questions and watch as your child's creativity and writing skills blossom!
Poem: The Swing Worksheet
Parts of speech PDF worksheet for grade 3
Parts of speech PDF worksheet for grade 3

Parts of Speech Worksheet for Grade 3

This worksheet is ideal for 3rd graders to review tricky parts of speech! It is vibrantly illustrated and contains sentences to read through. Each sentence has a category to select the correct word or words that match the part of speech indicated. Try it today!
Parts of Speech Worksheet for Grade 3
Adding up to 100 Without Regrouping: Page 7
Adding up to 100 Without Regrouping: Page 7
Adding up to 100 Without Regrouping: Page 7
Open Syllables Worksheet
Open Syllables Worksheet

Open Syllables Worksheet

Before beginning this worksheet, make sure your child knows what open syllables are. If not, take time to teach them with examples. Then, help the writer finish her book by circling words with open syllables. She needs your child's help!
Open Syllables Worksheet
Let's Spell Sight Words Worksheet
Let's Spell Sight Words Worksheet

Let's Spell Sight Words Worksheet

Help your kids spell tricky sight words by asking them to spot differences in the sentences of activities they do regularly. This worksheet contains incomplete sentences, with the correct spelling of the word in the options for them to fill in. Get them to look out for words with the wrong spellings.
Let's Spell Sight Words Worksheet
Free printable mammal word search
Free printable mammal word search

Printable Mammal Word Search

Second graders can enjoy new discoveries and adventures every day with a free printable mammal word search. They'll be tasked to find 5 mammals from a given list, making learning fun and efficient!
Printable Mammal Word Search
Synonym Check Worksheet
Synonym Check Worksheet

Synonym Check Worksheet

Ask your kids what a synonym is, and listen to their definitions. If needed, explain it's a word that has a similar meaning to another. Give examples, then ask them to do the same. For this worksheet, get them to help grade the papers. Have them check the boxes if the words are synonyms.
Synonym Check Worksheet
Rhyming Words Worksheet PDF
Rhyming Words Worksheet PDF

Rhyming Words Rhyming Worksheet

This worksheet is great for honing pre-reading skills. It helps kids make connections between pictures and written words, use problem-solving, and recognize sounds and words that rhyme. Have fun exploring rhyming words with your child, and they'll be rhyming in no time!
Rhyming Words Rhyming Worksheet

Vocabulary enhancement is crucial for 8-year-olds as it forms the bedrock of their communication skills, both verbal and written. At this age, children are in a critical period of language development, assimilating new words rapidly. Rich vocabulary allows them to express their thoughts, emotions, and ideas more clearly, fostering better interpersonal relationships and reducing frustration linked to an inability to articulate needs or feelings.

Furthermore, vocabulary is directly linked to reading comprehension. Children with a robust vocabulary find it easier to understand stories, instructions, and informational texts, which naturally enhances their overall academic performance. This improvement in reading comprehension can create a love for reading, a key factor correlated with academic success across various subjects.

A strong vocabulary also aids in cognitive development. Learning new words stimulates curiosity and engagement with the surrounding world. It shapes their ability to think logically and critically, solve problems more efficiently, and absorb new concepts swiftly.

Parents and teachers can play a pivotal role in enriching a child's vocabulary by engaging them in conversations, reading a variety of books together, and incorporating playful learning activities. Ultimately, investing in vocabulary enhancement lays a solid foundation for lifelong learning and achievement.