Preschoolers and kindergarteners love learning shapes! This worksheet provides practice in naming and tracing circles. Students say "circle" each time they trace one. It's a fun way to help kids learn math vocabulary and develop fine motor skills. Enjoy this printable and get ready to master circles!
Take your kids on an elevator ride and have them help you. With this worksheet, little ones meet Lily and her mom. They're taking an elevator from Floor 1 to Floor 8. Ask them to check the floors they pass and help the two reach their destination.
Help your toddler master orientation and early geometry skills with this free printable worksheet. It tasks children with identifying the top and bottom of familiar images, like cars, to help build their mental map of objects. It may be simple for adults and older kids, but toddlers must learn the words to describe objects and their physical orientation.
Kids can have fun helping a rabbit find her carrot by picking the path with uppercase letters. This worksheet teaches letter differentiation while building confidence. Kids will have a great time while getting an essential skill!
This worksheet helps students practice mathematical vocabulary related to size and quantity. Children look at pictures and draw a line to the objects that are taller, shorter, big, small, light, heavy, empty or full. The teacher can quickly check students' understanding of these measurement terms and then ask for examples of their own.
Download this coloring page to help your child learn about animals' camouflage. Trace the pattern with a pencil, then use crayons or markers to color the fish like the example. Read the accompanying paragraph to learn why some animals blend in with their environment. Encourage your child to look closely and match details in the pattern.
Kids are captivated by ants. Andre is a busy ant, marching through the forest. Help your child circle the best word that best describes what he's doing in each picture. This colorful printout will show them the way.
Let your child have fun with this interactive PDF download. Kids will learn movement words with cute pictures, plus practice fine motor skills as they trace. A fun way to reinforce vocabulary. Jump, hop and sit – it's all here!
Your child's room is their special space, where only a few are allowed in. You may have let them choose some special decorations, like wall stickers and toys. This exercise will be easy for your child, as they know their bedroom well. Ask them to circle the pictures that belong in a bedroom.
Introduce your child to 3D and 2D with this traceable worksheet. With dotted lines, help them trace and make a 2D shape for each 3D shape: square, triangle, rectangle, and circle. Show them there's more than one way to draw! You may have taken them to a 3D movie, or they've seen some fantastic 3D art. Now they can wonder no more.
This social studies PDF introduces kids to the differences between cities and towns. Colorful imagery helps them to distinguish between the two; for example, cities have traffic, business people and skyscrapers, while suburbs and rural areas do not. This allows children to have a reference point for what makes cities unique.
Proper positioning of the chessboard and players is key. Before the game, make sure the white square is in the right-hand corner. A simple rhyme can help: "White on the right". Check pictures of kids at the chessboard to ensure correct positioning.
Explain to your students: when objects are blown by wind, they will move in the opposite direction. In the worksheet, there are pictures of wind sources and objects being blown by the wind. Ask your child to identify and check the direction each object will move.
Young kids need to learn to identify basic shapes for math. Show them what a triangle looks like with this fun worksheet. They can look around their environment for everyday objects shaped like a triangle and circle them on the sheet. Download now and start learning what a triangle is!
Let your little mathematician join the Three Little Pigs on an adventure! With this free worksheet, they'll guide the pigs through a maze of numbered bricks, using one-to-one representation to get to the sturdy house. Have fun helping the piggy friends past the wolf!
Kids love mazes! This free PDF city maze worksheet is sure to be a hit. Help your friend the taxi driver get through the maze, following traceable lines through different communities to the big city. It's a fun and challenging way to practice fine motor skills and succeed!
Help your toddler grasp prepositions like "over" and "under" with this fun worksheet. Have them trace lines over the pictures on one half and under the pictures on the other, thus practicing basic communication and math concepts. Strengthen your child's understanding and communication skills with this activity.
This tracing worksheet teaches kids about chess. They trace the dotted lines to match pieces, names and symbols to the correct chess piece. Questions at the bottom test their understanding. It's a simple exercise for a fun way to learn.
Your child can test their chess knowledge with this worksheet. If they've been taking lessons or playing regularly, they'll enjoy connecting the dots to put the white king in checkmate, then checking the correct notation. Challenge their chess skills!
Hone your child's spatial skills with 'in front' and 'behind'! This knowledge is essential for communication and study. Get them started with this free PDF worksheet - check off the pictures that show the butterfly in front and caterpillar behind!
Help your child see the difference between push and pull with this fun worksheet. Ask them to match each picture to the right group. The "push" is on the left and the "pull" is on the right. Assist them in tracing the activities and explain what it is the people are doing.
Teach positional words "front" and "behind" with this fun worksheet! Students identify where the squirrel is in relation to the object - in front or behind. It's a great exercise to practice early geometry skills and understanding object movement.
Kids love mazes and fairy tales, so this free worksheet is a great way to help teach young readers about familiar topics. They'll join Bella and use the traceable lines to travel through different reading genres, and find their way to the library for a nice reward!
Help your child identify words and guide the mouse home! Ask them to point out the colorful animal on the worksheet, then take their hand and show them how to trace the path, going through all the words in the maze to get the mouse back to its hole.