If your kids are into robots, they'll be thrilled to work on this worksheet. Ask them to name shapes they know, and help them draw and identify these shapes. Look at the shapes in the middle, and the sides. Finally, help your kids trace the lines to build the shapes in the middle.
Teach your kindergartner phonics with this printout worksheet! It introduces the short «i» sound and helps them differentiate and articulate sounds and letters of the alphabet. With practice, your child will soon find it easy to classify sounds into long and short vowels.
With Kids Academy, learning phonics and spelling has never been easier.
Kids Academy's "ch" tracing worksheet makes it easy for your little one to learn phonics and spelling. It features cute, brightly colored images to help them trace familiar words, making learning fun and enjoyable.
Encourage your students to think about the laws they abide by - at home, school, and the playground. Explain the importance of laws in keeping us safe, then ask them to check the box next to the pictures depicting different laws in a worksheet.
Recognizing rhyming words boosts phonological awareness. With this skill, students can identify similar sounds in words and predict new words more accurately. This worksheet provides practice and is ideal for the reading classroom. Download and find the rhyming words! (80 words)
Download this free worksheet and have your child explore outer space with our charming astronauts! Help them find the right words to describe the chilly moon. Have fun with synonyms as they circle the right words to match "cold". Let your child's imagination run wild as they discover the wonders of space with this Kids Academy exercise!
Help your child learn the soft "g" sound with this phonics worksheet. Ask them to name each picture, then identify the letter sound it begins with. If it's "g", they can check the box. Have them repeat each word, listening for the soft "g" sound before moving on to the next page.
Want to help your kids nail their spelling? Introduce them to this farm animal worksheet! Get them to look at the animals in the tracing sheet, name them and then sound out the words. Have them draw a line to the picture that describes it. You'll be surprised at how quickly their skills improve.
Help your kids learn the rules of capitalisation - that the first word of each sentence and nouns must start with a capital letter. Use this worksheet to test their understanding: ask them to identify which words should begin with a capital.
Help your child practice recognizing the plural forms of words with this fun tracing worksheet! They'll need to connect each word and its plural form to the correct picture. For example, they'll write "cap" for one cap and "caps" for two. Enjoy this learning activity together! 80 words.
Are you ready to help your child learn the phonics long «o» sound? This worksheet is designed to aid them in getting familiar with the sound. After completing the exercise, your child should be able to differentiate letters, and recognize words with the long «o» sound. Encourage them to circle the images that have the sound.
This printable worksheet will help your child learn to read and analyze informational passages. It's fun and educational, featuring an animal science topic about pelicans. Read the passage and view the graph, then answer the questions by indicating if the statements are true or false.
Say "dog" and notice how long it takes to pronounce the vowel. Is it short or long? Compare it to "pea" and use this worksheet to quickly assess your child's mastery. Have them name each picture and listen for the vowel sounds. Only check the boxes for words with short vowel sounds.
Your child needs to learn phonetics to enunciate and differentiate words. This fun worksheet encourages them to find and draw lines connecting the long 'U' words in the word search. Help them read the words on the right side of the picture, then look for them in the word search (horizontally, backwards or vertically).
Download this worksheet to help young readers practice visual and motor skills! They'll enjoy matching pictures with "B" and "R" letters while tracing the images. Bright and colorful, this engaging activity will help kids differentiate between words and have fun doing it.
Test your kids' object recognition skills with this worksheet. Have them identify each picture, then check the box next to the correct word. Point to the image and ask your child what it is; then help them select the correct answer. It's a great way to see how well they can recognize objects from pictures.
Explore Scotland's traditional clothing without leaving home! This engaging worksheet will help your kid gain a new appreciation for different cultures. They'll have a blast learning about Scotland's clothing!
Encourage your new reader to practice the «ă» sound with this fun, free PDF worksheet. With the help of picture clues, they'll say the name of each word and trace circles around the items that start with «ă». This worksheet is an effective way to boost beginning sound skills while having fun!
Examine the sprouts, then compare the leaves of the nearby trees. Check the box next to the tree that looks similar to the sprout to complete the worksheet. Problem-solving and analysis skills will be put to the test! 80 words.
Help your child prepare for preschool and kindergarten with this fun and informative worksheet from Kids Academy! Have them look at each picture and think about what's happening, then read each word and circle the one that describes the activity. Strengthen reading and vocabulary skills while assessing progress with each task!
Learning sight words is key for strong readers. Kids with large word bases find reading simpler, since they don't have to decode words they already know. This free worksheet uses the word 'can' to help kids improve their visual discrimination and refine motor skills, while providing pictures to help them along.
Does your child have trouble constructing sentences? Check out this worksheet! It will help them identify words that make up sentences and assess how well they can read and answer questions. The first part tests how well they can recognize a written sentence. The second part has them read questions and circle the correct number of words. Give it a try!
Anger can be tricky to manage, so help your child learn techniques for coping. Use this feelings chart worksheet which leads them through identifying the most intense face and connecting the dots to help them calm down.
Kids love mazes! This fun printable worksheet lets them help a mama snake get home to her babies, using Silent E words. They'll practice fine motor skills, while they draw lines through words that have Silent E and words with closed syllables that don't. It's a great way to help them recognize Silent E words!