Download this free worksheet to help your child build number sense and math reasoning skills! It uses pictures of objects they know, letting your child count and match the right numeral to the objects to count past 10. Let them feel successful in mastering numbers.
Math might not be your child's favorite, but they must master it to advance. If they're having difficulties or don't like it, use this worksheet to make it easier. Have them add longs and cubes together to find the total for each question, then circle the correct answer. This exercise can help make math experiences better.
This worksheet shows students how some shapes explode into two or more equal parts. On the left side are four shapes, each splitting into two or more parts. Ask your child to point out which shape has the smaller share, and help them circle the correct number of shares.
Help your kids draw a crescent and triangle with this free printable worksheet! Start by tracing a crescent in the form of the new moon, and then teach them that a triangle has three sides and looks like a hat. Find more geometry practice worksheets at Kids Academy!
Kids can have fun learning shapes with this maze worksheet. They can help the mouse find its cheese by tracing the path of a circle through the maze. This printable is great for classroom learning or as an activity at home.
Show your students the pictures and clocks in the colorful worksheet. Ask what the boy and girl are doing in each, then what time the clocks show. Finally, ask what activities they both do at the same time. Help them check the clocks showing the same time in both pictures.
Your kids can have fun helping Isla add her musical instruments. With colorful pics and one-to-one representation, they can pick the correct addition sentence. They can connect each pic with traceable lines and get to the right sum up to 10.