Treat your child to fun phonics practice with this worksheet: "s" blend words! They’ll enjoy discovering the different sounds and words that start with "s", from snakes to snails and all in between.
Combine fun and learning with this illustrated spelling worksheet featuring "ig" and "ick" words! Ask kids to say the word, then determine which word family it belongs to. Pictures make it easier to learn and remember!
This free PDF lets your children trace and write sight words with tricky blends. The guide numbers help them start from the top, building fine motor skills and enhancing sight word vocab. It's a great way to give your kids a solid foundation for reading!
See if students understand syllables with this fun worksheet. It teaches them that a syllable is a word part with a vowel sound. Kids read each word and choose how many parts it has. Doing this often helps them decode new words and gain confidence.
Ask your child if they understand the meaning of the word "verb". If not, explain that it's a word that shows an action. Give examples of familiar verbs. Then look at the pictures in the tracing sheet and read the words. Ask your child to follow the dotted lines to find the hidden words. Perfect tool to teach spot and use verbs!
Students are asked to circle all prefixes on this worksheet and brainstorm a list of words that have them. It's a great tool for teaching vocabulary and helps students understand new and unfamiliar words by recognizing how prefixes change meaning.
Perceiving right and wrong spellings is vital for reading, writing and honing editing skills. This stimulating worksheet lets children practice recognizing and selecting wrongly spelled words, which is essential for correct spelling and writing well-polished drafts.