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Check out this FREE Trial Lesson on Grammar for age 3-8!

Identify Individual Words

With answer key
  • 3-8
  • With answer key
  • Grammar
Plurals: "–es" or "–es"? Worksheet
Plurals: "–es" or "–es"? Worksheet

Plurals: "–es" or "–es"? Worksheet

Learning plural nouns can be tough for young readers. This worksheet shows them the difference between singular and plural spelling with cute images. Read each word and check the correct version. Remind them why the other ending can't be used.
Plurals: "–es" or "–es"? Worksheet
Guess the Meaning Worksheet
Guess the Meaning Worksheet

Guess the Meaning Worksheet

Help your child learn the meanings of words in different contexts by using this colourful, free worksheet. What is the meaning of the underlined words in each sentence? Look at the images and pick the one that accurately describes the word's context.
Guess the Meaning Worksheet
Identify Individual Words Worksheet
Identify Individual Words Worksheet

Identify Individual Words Worksheet

Does your child have trouble constructing sentences? Check out this worksheet! It will help them identify words that make up sentences and assess how well they can read and answer questions. The first part tests how well they can recognize a written sentence. The second part has them read questions and circle the correct number of words. Give it a try!
Identify Individual Words Worksheet
Phonics and Word Recognition: Assessment 3 Worksheet
Phonics and Word Recognition: Assessment 3 Worksheet

Phonics and Word Recognition: Assessment 3 Worksheet

Silent letters can be tricky for kids learning to read and write. Show them how they work with words like 'knee' and 'dumb'. Then, challenge them to come up with their own. Give them a worksheet with silent letters and trace the lines to join the letters into words.
Phonics and Word Recognition: Assessment 3 Worksheet
Spelling worksheet: "ig" and "ick" words
Spelling worksheet: "ig" and "ick" words

Words Families "ig" and "ick" Spelling Worksheet

Combine fun and learning with this illustrated spelling worksheet featuring "ig" and "ick" words! Ask kids to say the word, then determine which word family it belongs to. Pictures make it easier to learn and remember!
Words Families "ig" and "ick" Spelling Worksheet
Sort the Nouns Worksheet
Sort the Nouns Worksheet

Sort the Nouns Worksheet

Nouns are words for people, places, things, and ideas. This worksheet helps kids focus on three categories: people, places, and things (including animals). All the words are nouns; the task is to match them to the correct category. Circle the answer for each!
Sort the Nouns Worksheet
Short Vowels /e/, /i/, and /u/ Worksheet
Short Vowels /e/, /i/, and /u/ Worksheet

Short Vowels /e/, /i/, and /u/ Worksheet

Your emergent reader can have fun while practicing their short vowel sounds with this free, brightly colored worksheet. They'll identify one-syllable words by their pictures, then match the correct ending for each. They'll gain an understanding of how short vowel sounds vary in closed syllables with different endings, without even realizing it!
Short Vowels /e/, /i/, and /u/ Worksheet
Reading: How Many Syllables Worksheet
Reading: How Many Syllables Worksheet

Reading: How Many Syllables Worksheet

This worksheet helps students practice counting syllables. They read each word, count the syllables, and circle single-syllable words. Mastering this skill helps with fluency and comprehension, so it's worth the effort! Use this printout to clear up any confusion.
Reading: How Many Syllables Worksheet
Similar Words Worksheet
Similar Words Worksheet

Similar Words Worksheet

Test your child's knowledge of synonyms by having them name five words for "up"! This tracing sheet is a fun way to do it: your child must trace the dotted lines to put each ball in its right basket. To do so, they must know the synonyms and trace them to the correct baskets.
Similar Words Worksheet
Prefix pre and suffix ful worksheet
Prefix pre and suffix ful worksheet

Prefix pre– and Suffix ful– Worksheet

Can't preforget something! This worksheet helps kids learn how to attach prefixes and suffixes to root words, forming new words that make sense. With this activity, they'll evaluate how the root words change when adding the prefix or suffix.
Prefix pre– and Suffix ful– Worksheet
Parts of speech PDF worksheet for grade 3
Parts of speech PDF worksheet for grade 3

Parts of Speech Worksheet for Grade 3

This worksheet is ideal for 3rd graders to review tricky parts of speech! It is vibrantly illustrated and contains sentences to read through. Each sentence has a category to select the correct word or words that match the part of speech indicated. Try it today!
Parts of Speech Worksheet for Grade 3
Worksheet: practice compound words
Worksheet: practice compound words

Let's Practice Compound Words Word Structure Worksheet

Test their knowledge of compound words with this fun worksheet and help them build their vocabulary. Have them say the words out loud as they work!
Let's Practice Compound Words Word Structure Worksheet
Closed Syllable Worksheets for 3rd Grade
Closed Syllable Worksheets for 3rd Grade

Closed Syllable Spelling Worksheet

Learning syllables can be tough, but we can make it easier! Look for long and short vowel sounds to identify closed syllables. This worksheet can help 3rd graders do just that, with its fun and colorful design.
Closed Syllable Spelling Worksheet
Preposition Park Worksheet
Preposition Park Worksheet

Preposition Park Worksheet

. Check kids' understanding of prepositions by reminding them it's a word used to show location, direction or time. Look at the four pictures and ask what the kids are doing. Read the sentences below and help them check the words to complete them.
Preposition Park Worksheet
Suffix-ed Worksheet
Suffix-ed Worksheet

Suffix-ed Worksheet

Ask your kids if they know what suffixes are, and explain they are words added to the end of another word which changes the meaning. This worksheet focuses on the suffix -ed which shows something already happened. Help the kid in the picture find the past tense words.
Suffix-ed Worksheet
Worksheet: words that end with "an"
Worksheet: words that end with "an"

Words Families "an" Spelling Worksheet

Ace spelling with ease! Print this worksheet to explore words that end in "an". Enjoy a fun maze and learn this common ending!
Words Families "an" Spelling Worksheet
Forming Sentences: Assessment 3 Worksheet
Forming Sentences: Assessment 3 Worksheet

Forming Sentences: Assessment 3 Worksheet

Students must master sentence formation to be successful English learners. After grasping the ABCs and basic words, the next step is to construct sentences using those words. Worksheets like this one can help teach kids how to make sentences; they need to look at the pictures and select the correct noun or verb to complete each sentence.
Forming Sentences: Assessment 3 Worksheet
Where Is the Ant? Worksheet
Where Is the Ant? Worksheet

Where Is the Ant? Worksheet

Kids are captivated by ants. Andre is a busy ant, marching through the forest. Help your child circle the best word that best describes what he's doing in each picture. This colorful printout will show them the way.
Where Is the Ant? Worksheet
Suffix -Able Worksheet
Suffix -Able Worksheet

Suffix -Able Worksheet

Suffix -able means you can do something. Example: readable - means you can read it. Give kids examples then check this worksheet. Read sentences with kids, looking for words with -able at the end.
Suffix -Able Worksheet
Worksheet: Verb or Noun
Worksheet: Verb or Noun

Verb or Noun Worksheet

This worksheet will help your child identify verbs and nouns quickly. With colorful highlights and simple sentences, they'll master parts of speech in no time! Get ahead of the game with this incredible worksheet.
Verb or Noun Worksheet
Rhythm in I'm a Little Teapot Worksheet
Rhythm in I'm a Little Teapot Worksheet

Rhythm in I'm a Little Teapot Worksheet

Clap along and count the beats of this classic children's song! With this worksheet, help your child read and clap out each phrase. Check the boxes for the correct number of syllables in each word. Have fun counting and learning with this cute ELA activity!
Rhythm in I'm a Little Teapot Worksheet
Verbs and Nouns Worksheet
Verbs and Nouns Worksheet

Verbs and Nouns Worksheet

Your child should have basic knowledge of verbs and nouns before starting this worksheet. Go through it with them and ask them to circle the pictures with nouns under them. This way, they'll become more familiar with parts of speech.
Verbs and Nouns Worksheet
Dinner Time! Worksheet
Dinner Time! Worksheet

Dinner Time! Worksheet

Help your child learn about the Pilgrims by completing this worksheet! The Pilgrims set sail on the Mayflower in 1620 and colonized America, meeting the Native Americans already living there and picking up some of their traditions, like Thanksgiving dinner. Check the nouns in the picture and help your child set the table with the celebratory turkey!
Dinner Time! Worksheet
Contractions grammar worksheet pdf
Contractions grammar worksheet pdf

Contractions Worksheet

Read a funny story about the hare and the tortoise to learn about contractions with this grammar worksheet pdf. Tick the right contraction from the options given.
Contractions Worksheet

At ages 3-8, children are in a critical stage of language development, and focusing on proper grammar is essential for several reasons. Firstly, grammar serves as the foundation for effective communication. When children grasp the rules of language, they can better express their thoughts, needs, and feelings, which boosts their confidence and social interactions. Understanding grammar also aids in cognitive development by enhancing their ability to understand and process information.

Secondly, early mastery of grammar sets the stage for future academic success. Children who have a strong grasp of grammar tend to read more effectively and write more coherently, skills that are vital for overall academic achievement. Research has shown that early language skills are predictors of later reading and writing proficiency.

Moreover, learning correct grammar patterns helps in the development of critical thinking skills. Analyzing sentence structures and word choices fosters an environment where children learn to organize their thoughts logically. This practice also stimulates their brains, helping them in other subjects like math and science.

Finally, a strong base in grammar fosters lifelong learning and curiosity. Children become more motivated to explore books, stories, and even new languages, enriching their cultural and intellectual lives. In summary, paying attention to grammar during the early years paves the way for well-rounded, articulate, and academically capable individuals.