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Check out this FREE Trial Lesson on Animals for age 5-7!

Behavioral Adaptations

With answer key
  • 5-7
  • With answer key
  • Animals
Ecosystems: Assessment 1 Worksheet
Ecosystems: Assessment 1 Worksheet

Ecosystems: Assessment 1 Worksheet

Before starting the worksheet, remind your child of the basics of the ecosystem, e.g. plants need light and winds carry small seeds. Encourage them to identify the images in the colorful printout. Ask them the questions and help them circle the correct answers.
Ecosystems: Assessment 1 Worksheet
Fish Body Parts Worksheet
Fish Body Parts Worksheet

Fish Body Parts Worksheet

Fascinate kids with fish: teach them about these amazing creatures with this free Kids Academy printable worksheet. Let little learners study the vibrant blue fish, identify its different body parts, and discover why it can survive underwater. From gills to fins, your child will gain an early appreciation for life science!
Fish Body Parts Worksheet
Sorting Animals by Land, Air and Sea Worksheet
Sorting Animals by Land, Air and Sea Worksheet

Sorting Animals by Land, Air and Sea Worksheet

Kids will use critical thinking and fine motor skills with this worksheet! They'll analyze animal traits and draw lines to sort them into groups of those that fly, swim, or walk. It's a fun way to hone skills and have a great time!
Sorting Animals by Land, Air and Sea Worksheet
Underwater Creatures with Shells Worksheet
Underwater Creatures with Shells Worksheet

Underwater Creatures with Shells Worksheet

Teach your child about sea creatures with this vibrant PDF science worksheet! Comb through the colorful image to identify animals with shells; compare them to others and check them off. Let them know shells don't just wash up on beach, they serve as protection for sea creatures!
Underwater Creatures with Shells Worksheet
Migrate or Hibernate? Worksheet
Migrate or Hibernate? Worksheet

Migrate or Hibernate? Worksheet

Many animals survive by either migrating or hibernating when the weather changes. Migration involves traveling in flocks or herds to a more temperate climate, while hibernation is when animals stay in their homes and eat and sleep for a long period of time. Show your kids this worksheet and help them decide which strategy animals use to cope with the changing weather.
Migrate or Hibernate? Worksheet
Bald Eagle Parents Worksheet
Bald Eagle Parents Worksheet

Bald Eagle Parents Worksheet

Teach your child about bald eagle parenting with this science worksheet! Read the passage and answer the questions to learn how these majestic birds protect their young from predators. Eaglets need protection, and the bald eagle parents are masters of providing it!
Bald Eagle Parents Worksheet
Arctic World Worksheet
Arctic World Worksheet

Arctic World Worksheet

Ask your students if they know where the Arctic is located and what lives there. If not, use a world atlas to show them. The Arctic is very cold and snow-covered; native animals have adapted to survive the harsh conditions. Look at the animals in the worksheet and help your students decide which ones live in the Arctic.
Arctic World Worksheet
Life Cycle Frog Printable
Life Cycle Frog Printable

Life Cycle Frog Printable

Kids can explore the life cycle of frog with this fun worksheet! Draw lines from one stage to the next to follow the transformation from tadpole to frog and learn about the cycle of life.
Life Cycle Frog Printable
Earth's Systems: Assessment 2
Earth's Systems: Assessment 2

Earth's Systems: Assessment 2

Kids will love this free printable worksheet to assess their knowledge of habitats and the living creatures found in them. They'll trace the dotted lines to connect the pictures of plants and animals to their respective habitat and identify the type of weather depicted. No, polar bears don't live in the ocean, but they do like to swim in icy waters! With this fun activity, your little learner will master earth science basics.
Earth's Systems: Assessment 2
Animals That Burrow Worksheet
Animals That Burrow Worksheet

Animals That Burrow Worksheet

Teach your little one about animal protection with this Kids Academy PDF worksheet! Help them read the description of burrowing animals, then check off the pictures to discover which ones hide in holes. It's an exciting way to learn about the fascinating ways animals keep themselves safe from predators.
Animals That Burrow Worksheet
Life cycle of a salmon worksheet pdf
Life cycle of a salmon worksheet pdf

Cycle Of Salmon Worksheet

Explore the life cycle of a salmon with this grade 2 worksheet! Kids will learn by arranging the stages of the salmon's lifecycle in order. Science activities in this set cover a wide range of lifecycles in nature.
Cycle Of Salmon Worksheet
Classifying animals worksheet 2nd grade
Classifying animals worksheet 2nd grade

Classifying Animals Worksheet

Print the 2nd grade animal classification worksheet and help kids study the differences between mammals, reptiles, birds, fish and amphibians. Let them pick two examples from the options given.
Classifying Animals Worksheet
Sorting worksheet - mammals
Sorting worksheet - mammals

Mammals Sorting Worksheet

They'll practice sorting animals and learn their features with this fun worksheet. Kids can test their scientific knowledge with this fun worksheet! They'll view pictures of animals, identify mammals based on their fur, and practice sorting them. This colorful worksheet is a great way for kids to learn about the differences between mammals and other animals.
Mammals Sorting Worksheet
Living and Non-living Worksheet
Living and Non-living Worksheet

Identifying Living or Non–living Worksheet

Help your child learn to sort and categorize in a new way! Teach them to classify things as living or non-living using this worksheet. It's the perfect way to build their scientific understanding, and to have some learning fun! Print this worksheet and watch them discover the world of science!
Identifying Living or Non–living Worksheet
Octopus facts worksheet for kids
Octopus facts worksheet for kids

Octopus Facts Worksheet For Kids

Let your child dive into the world of octopuses with this fun worksheet. It offers invaluable practice in reading non-fiction texts, while they learn interesting facts about these strange sea creatures. It's a great way to help them hone their skills in reading comprehension.
Octopus Facts Worksheet For Kids
What Does It Mean? Worksheet
What Does It Mean? Worksheet

What Does It Mean? Worksheet

Teach your child to use context clues with this engaging Kids Academy worksheet. Read the sentences and find the pink-highlighted word. Use the other words in the sentence to figure out the meaning, then check the box next to the picture that represents it.
What Does It Mean? Worksheet
Arctic Animals Worksheet
Arctic Animals Worksheet

Arctic Animals Worksheet

Kids love animals and this worksheet is a great way to teach them where they live. It reinforces classification skills and introduces new animals, like the Arctic hare. Use it to discuss the Arctic climate and how these animals live, then ask your child where other animals live to keep the conversation going.
Arctic Animals Worksheet
Life Cycle of a Horse Worksheet
Life Cycle of a Horse Worksheet

Life Cycle of a Horse Worksheet

Kids Academy's science worksheet on horses' lifecycles offers an engaging way for kids to learn! They'll study the diagram and label each stage of life, from birth to adulthood, and then number the pictures to mark the correct sequence. Fun and educational - a perfect way to get your kids learning!
Life Cycle of a Horse Worksheet
Animal Nests Worksheet
Animal Nests Worksheet

Animal Nests Worksheet

Animals need homes to sleep and stay safe. Look at the animal on the left and examine the nests and hives to the right. Check off the correct one for each animal to complete the worksheet! From birds to bees, it's a great way to show different types of homes animals make!
Animal Nests Worksheet
Animal Word Search Worksheet
Animal Word Search Worksheet

Animal Word Search Worksheet

Students can have fun and strengthen spelling and vocabulary skills with this word search worksheet. Search for animal words and circle the letters in the puzzle. Words can be found forwards, backwards, horizontally or vertically, providing a great challenge to foster critical thinking skills. An enriching activity for all ages!
Animal Word Search Worksheet
Where Animals Live PDF Worksheet
Where Animals Live PDF Worksheet

Where Animals Live Worksheet

Teaching early reading and math skills is important, but don't forget about science. With the Where Animals Live PDF worksheet, kids can identify their favorite animals and the environments they live in. Ask them what type of environment the animals like and introduce them to geography. It's great for logical reasoning and classification skills. Your kid will practice with their favorite animals and love the trip to the zoo afterwards!
Where Animals Live Worksheet
Butterfly Life Cycle Printable Worksheet
Butterfly Life Cycle Printable Worksheet

Life Cycle of Butterfly Printable

Kids and grownups alike marvel at the beauty of butterflies. With this printable worksheet, kids can review the life cycle of these favorite insects and strengthen cognitive and problem solving skills. From egg to butterfly, kids will order the stages and use the best strategy to solve it. Guide them as they work and they'll learn multiple skills.
Life Cycle of Butterfly Printable
Ecosystems: Assessment 2 Worksheet
Ecosystems: Assessment 2 Worksheet

Ecosystems: Assessment 2 Worksheet

Pollinators are living or non-living things that help pollen spread. Test your child's knowledge of the ecosystem with this worksheet. Point out animals in the picture, then ask the simple questions. Help your child circle the right answers.
Ecosystems: Assessment 2 Worksheet
Animal hide and seek worksheet pdf
Animal hide and seek worksheet pdf

Animal Hide and Seek Worksheet

Try Kids Academy's animal hide and seek worksheet. See if your kids can spot the hidden animals – a leapfrog, a stick insect, and a leaf scorpionfish. A fun and educational activity to raise awareness of the variety of nature and spur further exploration of the world around them.
Animal Hide and Seek Worksheet

Parents and teachers should care about introducing animals to children ages 5-7 because it fosters empathy, curiosity, and a lifelong appreciation for nature. During these formative years, children are naturally curious and eager to learn about the world around them. Discussing animals—whether through books, videos, or real-life interactions—captures their attention and enthusiasm.

Learning about animals encourages empathy and responsibility. When children understand that animals have needs and feelings, they begin to appreciate the importance of taking care of living beings, which can translate into caring for their pets and peers. This nurtures a kinder, more compassionate mindset that is crucial for personal development.

Moreover, connections with animals can enrich educational experiences. For example, observing and learning about different animals enhances vocabulary, improves observational skills, and introduces basic concepts of biology and ecology. This integrated learning approach keeps young minds engaged and reinforces core academic skills.

Lastly, fostering a love for animals can inspire a lifelong interest in science and environmental stewardship. Understanding the role animals play in our world helps children appreciate biodiversity and the need for conservation. By caring about animals, parents and teachers help cultivate a generation that values and protects the natural world.