Help kindergartners become experts in solving simple math problems. Teach them about measuring, the parts to measure, and how to measure the area of tiled walls. Use the worksheet to check off the walls with an area of 36. This can help them understand the concepts and make measuring objects less intimidating.
Little mathematicians can use base ten blocks to understand place value for subtraction. This worksheet helps them cross out blocks to solve problems with accuracy. Seeing equations like this boosts their number reasoning skills and helps them work with larger numbers.
Ask your child to circle all the places a pawn can capture in one move on the diagonal. Pawns are limited in the moves they can make, but can still capture enemy pieces. This worksheet will help brush up on their knowledge of the rules of chess.
Help kids master the concept of solving for missing numbers with subtraction. Use this cute worksheet featuring construction elements and colorful equations. Show them how to subtract to find the missing number, then circle the answer. It'll help them increase their number sense and get ready for algebra.