Help your students understand suffixes and build reading fluency with this worksheet. Have them read each word, then choose the ones with a suffix. Practicing this will lead to better comprehension and more confident reading. Save it for future use in language and reading classes.
Practice sight words with this printable worksheet featuring sing, sit, sleep! Confusing at first, these words can be mastered with the help of simple sentences and fun illustrations.
As your students learn more about reading and pronouncing words, they can explore how some word patterns can be said differently. The 'ough' pattern, for instance, can be pronounced several ways. 'Enough' has the 'uff' sound. Provide your students with examples of words pronounced similarly and help them unscramble 'ough' words on this worksheet, ticking the box for the correct word.
Confused by the long E sound's varying spellings? Give students practice with this printable. It will improve their reading and spelling skills by helping them identify the correct spellings for words with the /ee/ and /ea/ vowel teams. Clear up the confusion and sharpen their skills.