Do your students know who a citizen is? Use this worksheet to teach them: a citizen is a member of a community, such as your school, city or country. Look at the pictures in the pdf with your students. Ask them to identify who or what is in the pictures, and help them check which are citizens.
Test your child's knowledge by asking who's a producer and consumer. Explain producer makes things and consumer buys them. Use a snack example. Look at the picture with your kids and help them check the box next to producer or consumer.
Help your child understand history's communication evolution! With this worksheet, your child will learn about the various ways people communicated over time, and how that compares to today. It'll also foster an interest in history and bring the past to life!
Test your students' knowledge of colonial times with this easy social studies worksheet. Look at the pictures to see how people lived back then. See if your little ones understand what structures they had, what food they ate, and what type of clothing they wore. You might be surprised by how much or how little they know!