Your child needs to learn phonetics to enunciate and differentiate words. This fun worksheet encourages them to find and draw lines connecting the long 'U' words in the word search. Help them read the words on the right side of the picture, then look for them in the word search (horizontally, backwards or vertically).
Combine fun and learning with this illustrated spelling worksheet featuring "ig" and "ick" words! Ask kids to say the word, then determine which word family it belongs to. Pictures make it easier to learn and remember!
When 'ee', 'ea' and 'ay' are in words, they usually make the long /e/ and /a/ sounds. Examples of words with 'ee' are "sheep", 'beach' and 'seat' with 'ea', and 'clay' and 'play' with 'ay'. Check this colourful worksheet with your kids; help them find the words that make the long /e/ sound like 'sheep'.
Digraphs join two consonants to make a new sound, like /wh/. Give examples, like "whale", "when" and "why". Ask kids to name pictures in a worksheet and trace dotted lines to images beginning with the /wh/ sound; "what" is one example.
Ask your students if they know the rule for words with /oi/ or /oy/ sound. If not, it's easy to learn! Rule: If /oy/ at end of word, spell with 'oy'; if /oi/ in middle of word, spell with 'oi'. Use this worksheet to help them master these digraphs and improve their ability to decode.
Assist your child in mastering prepositions by printing off this worksheet featuring three sight words: upon, around, off. Read the sentences aloud and use the illustrations to demonstrate the meaning of each. Your kid will soon master these words quickly.