This worksheet featuring flowers in the rain is a great way to assess your kids' math skills. Check their number line and comparison sentences accuracy to get an overview of their abilities. Knowing these skills helps with computation, so you can pinpoint where they need extra help.
An array is objects, pix, or numbers organized in rows and columns. Show kids two ways to interpret this: 3 rows in 4 places = 12 and 4 columns in 3 places = 12. Help your child trace the number sentences to the matching cars. All equations always add up to the same amount.
Explain to your child that an array is a group of objects, pictures, or numbers in columns and rows. Show them a rectangular array is a group of objects in equal rows and columns. Guide them to check the pictures in the worksheet to spot any rectangular arrays. Help them remember this concept.
Get your students ready for the task by asking them to count as high as they can. Familiar objects are stacked in groups. Look at the picture and help them count the dimes. Circle the groups of 10. This worksheet will help kindergartners practice counting up to and recognizing 10 dimes.