Compare numbers with your child using this fun worksheet! Paintings of sports cars add visuals to the task of counting up to 88. Make learning enjoyable with this colorful activity - your child will stay engaged and eager to learn more.
Let your kids explore the world of math with our worksheet! Have them count cups, pints and quarts in pictures and circle the right answer. Get even more free printable math worksheets for kindergarten on our website. Come on, join the adventure!
Children need number representation skills to develop efficient computation and number sense. This free worksheet gives them practice with ten frames and place value blocks. They compare numbers and select the right comparative symbol: <, > or =. This helps them build a solid foundation for math.
This dynamic PDF worksheet combines fun and education. Kids will explore rainforest animals and biodiversity, comparing numbers from 1960 to 2017. They'll strengthen number sense and reasoning skills while learning about area biodiversity and its effects. A perfect mix of math and social science!