Check out this FREE "Analyzing data" Trial Lesson for age 8!

Bar Graphs 1 Step Word Problems

With answer key
  • 8
  • With answer key
  • Analyzing data
Recycling Picture Graph Worksheet
Recycling Picture Graph Worksheet

Recycling Picture Graph Worksheet

This worksheet can help kindergartners learn numbers and why recycling is important. After using items and materials, they can turn them into new materials instead of throwing them away. Guide your students to follow the instructions and answer the questions at the end. Help them understand how recycling benefits our environment.
Recycling Picture Graph Worksheet
Planets Bar Graph Worksheet
Planets Bar Graph Worksheet

Planets Bar Graph Worksheet

With this fun, educational worksheet, kids can learn about bar graphs and the solar system simultaneously. Introduce them to the concept by reading out the number of miles for each planet, then help them trace the dashed lines in each bar to complete the graph.
Planets Bar Graph Worksheet
Studying Fossils Worksheet
Studying Fossils Worksheet

Studying Fossils Worksheet

Fossils captivate children! It's no wonder why; when we learn about them, we are getting a glimpse into history and uncovering old mysteries! With this free download, kids will understand what a paleontologist is and how they use fossils to learn about long-gone plants and animals. They'll discover that old bones are priceless and that exploring ancient history can be exciting!
Studying Fossils Worksheet
Patterns in Temperature Worksheet
Patterns in Temperature Worksheet

Patterns in Temperature Worksheet

Kids need to learn how to read and interpret data from graphs and charts. This free worksheet on temperature patterns helps them to do just that. They'll practice finding averages and answer questions in multiple-choice format. Plus, it provides a great learning experience!
Patterns in Temperature Worksheet
Egyptian Bar Graph Worksheet
Egyptian Bar Graph Worksheet

Egyptian Bar Graph Worksheet

Help your kids get a hang of bar graphs with this fun worksheet. Examine the picture of the ancient pyramids and help them match the bar graph to it. Check the box next to the correct bar graph and watch your little ones learn quickly!
Egyptian Bar Graph Worksheet
Aircraft Line Plot Worksheet
Aircraft Line Plot Worksheet

Aircraft Line Plot Worksheet

If your kids are aviation enthusiasts, they'll love this worksheet! Look at the picture with them, then ask them to measure the toy planes in cm. Check the box with the right measurements and then trace the x's to make a line plot with the data.
Aircraft Line Plot Worksheet
Charting Rainfall Worksheet
Charting Rainfall Worksheet

Charting Rainfall Worksheet

Kids need to learn how to graph info in order to understand the world. This rainfall worksheet gives them an opportunity to act as statisticians, charting the amount of rain each month. It also helps them practice data storage and analysis for future math concepts.
Charting Rainfall Worksheet
Climate Maps Worksheet
Climate Maps Worksheet

Climate Maps Worksheet

This map offers a fun way to teach kids about the varying climates across North America. They'll learn that Seattle and Miami have different temperatures, yet the same amount of rainfall. Plus other weather facts. This prepares them to answer reading comprehension questions with success!
Climate Maps Worksheet