Help your kids look at the groupings on the bottom right of the worksheet. Compare the heights of the kids shown in the picture to the numbers in each group. Have them check which of the groups of numbers correctly shows the heights.
Prior to starting this worksheet, quiz your kid on shapes. If they gave quite a few, you've done well! This pdf will teach them more about cones; show them the pictures in the printout and have them identify which ones contain a cone.
If your child can tell you what two, three and four equal parts are called, give yourself a pat on the back! If not, this worksheet can help. Halves are two equal parts of a whole shape. Check the pictures in this printable pdf to help your child understand.
This fun worksheet uses friendly bugs to help young mathematicians learn numbers and tally marks. They'll gain real-world skills to help with adding, subtracting and counting. Representations will solidify number reasoning, aiding with game playing and more.
Before tackling the math problem, get your kids ready by asking them to share their favorite holiday and why. Then, look at the picture on the worksheet with them. Help them examine the numbers and problems, and select the number sentence that shows what's happening with each string of light. 80 words.
Before beginning this exercise with your children, warm them up with a counting game. If math is not their favorite subject, use this worksheet. Help them read the two word problems, then use their fingers to count and subtract. Ask them to select the correct answer and check the box.
Help your kids understand math with this fun, garden-themed subtraction worksheet! Have them read the number sentences and count the veggies in each row. Then, subtract 10 from each row to find the answer. They'll love counting the colorful veggies and solving the problems!
Understanding math word problems is key. Multiple steps can prove challenging - this free worksheet provides one-to-one picture representation to help kids solve multi-step addition word problems. Strengthen addition skills by choosing the matching picture to the answer.
Fruits are tasty and bright! Can your kids name some of their favorites? With this worksheet, you can use fruit to teach your kids geometry. Talk about how shapes can be cut into halves. Ask them to tick the box for the fruit halves in the printout.
Help your kids become experts at subtraction and addition by guiding them through fun exercises and simple math problems. This worksheet with leaf subtraction problems will help them practice and also test your child. Go through the three equations with them, help them solve, and then check the answer.
With this worksheet, kids can use the strategies of making tens and adding doubles to add numbers with more than three addends. They'll practice choosing the right method and become more confident in their calculations, enabling quicker, more efficient computation.
Do your kids know what reptiles are? Ask them to name some and name features. In this activity, your kindergartners will measure with reptiles. Show them the picture and get them to order by length, starting with the one with 4 by the longest reptile, then the one with 1 by the shortest.
A visit to the baker's shop is thrilling! Your kids will love it! From scrumptious goodies to the mouthwatering aroma, it's a magical experience. Ask your kids what they're most eager to see and do. Now, read the word problems in this worksheet to them. Help them choose the correct answer for each problem and circle the correct total.
Look at this worksheet with your kids. Read the two word problems aloud, pointing at the pictures showing the frog's life cycle. Help your kids add simple equations and circle the correct answer. Fascinating creatures, frogs go through a cycle before becoming an adult.
Test your child's number skills with this fun and tricky maze! This Thanksgiving worksheet lets them explore a maze, using numbers less than 57 to get to the tasty goal: A Thanksgiving turkey! Develop their number sense in a fun and engaging way!
Try this fun math, reading and writing worksheet with your kids! They will love the colorful activities that perfect coordination and tracing. Engaging learning exercises help keep young minds sharp and boost skills. With these worksheets, your kids will be academically ahead of the curve!
This worksheet helps your child learn math via colorful pictures and equations. Count the items together, adding and subtracting as necessary. Your child will be challenged to get the correct total, thereby developing their math skills.
Do you have a furry family member? If the answer is yes and your kids love animals, they'll enjoy this worksheet. The picture graph shows the children's votes for their favorite pet - fish, dog, cat and hamster. Ask your child to use the graph to answer the questions. Guide them to check the right answer.
Explain to your students that they can make a new shape by combining halves, thirds, and fourths of a shape. Show them the worksheet with the rectangle at the top and ask them to find which sets of halves, thirds, and fourths make it. Have them check all the correct sets.