Having trouble teaching your 1st grader numbers and addition? Download this free worksheet! With colorful building blocks, it helps kids visualise and understand simple equations. For extra guidance, multiple choice answers are included to boost their confidence when practising.
A citizen is a person who resides in a certain area and is granted legal rights and privileges. Becoming a citizen can be achieved in various ways, most commonly through birth or marriage. Good citizens honor their nation's laws and act responsibly. Ask your students to share examples of good citizenship. Have them read the word problem and choose the equation that yields the right answer, then underline it.
Help your student gain automaticity with math facts using this colorful worksheet. Solve addition problems without renaming and then check their answers using Base 10 pictures. This will aid in deeper understanding, plus selecting the right answer from multiple choices.
This Singapore Math-inspired worksheet will help kids develop a deeper understanding of math concepts, stop relying on rote memorization, and build mathematical knowledge for future concepts. With a catchy space-theme, your child will have fun honing their skills.
Take your little mathematicians on an undersea adventure as they work to solve number sentences. With fun worksheets, they'll analyze numbers, orders of operation and use if/then statements. They'll learn addition and subtraction are opposites, helping them solve more problems!
Get your kids learning addition and subtraction with this fun worksheet! Show them that solving equations can be enjoyable and help them match number sentences to the correct boxes. By doing this together, you'll create a positive learning experience that your kids won't forget.
Before starting the exercise, ask your kids if they know what harvesting is. Show them the pictures and explain if needed. Help them read the word problems, use the pictures to find the answer and check the box above. There are two simple word problems in the printout.
This worksheet helps your child learn math via colorful pictures and equations. Count the items together, adding and subtracting as necessary. Your child will be challenged to get the correct total, thereby developing their math skills.
Guide your students to show that math can be fun! If your kindergartners need help with addition and subtraction, the simple problems in this worksheet are ideal. Ask them to look at the two pictures and find the correct answers. Help them check their work to build their confidence in math.
Engage your kids with learning by making it fun! Try this creative worksheet: your kids can practice subtraction while making bracelets. Download the pdf; read the two word problems to them and help them choose the correct total. Have fun! (80 words)
Master the commutative property of addition with Kids Academy's worksheet! Kids will have fun with silly elves as they complete the rows, switching or adding the addends. Observe that the sum stays the same no matter the order of the numbers!
Help your kids count the base ten blocks in the picture. Then, count how many have been marked off. Ask them to select the correct answer choice to solve the subtraction problems based on the blocks counted. 80 words