Check out this FREE Grade 2 Trial Lesson on Arrays!

Addition with Arrays - Part 2

With answer key
  • Grade 2
  • With answer key
  • Counting skills
  • Arrays
  • Easy
Fruity Array Quest Worksheet
Fruity Array Quest Worksheet

Fruity Array Quest Worksheet

Explain rows (horizontal) and columns (vertical) to your child before starting the worksheet. Show them the picture and the arrows indicating direction. Your child should be able to answer the questions easily after that. Help them match the fruit arrays that match the descriptions.
Fruity Array Quest Worksheet
Colorful Arrays Bingo Worksheet
Colorful Arrays Bingo Worksheet

Colorful Arrays Bingo Worksheet

This worksheet stimulates thinking about arrays and how to represent them. Instruct students to count the 6 arrays and find which ones sum up to 12. Ask them to check the answers for accuracy.
Colorful Arrays Bingo Worksheet