Your students can practice addition and counting skills with this worksheet. Each equation has 6 boxes to count. Check the group that equals 15 to complete the exercise. Help your kindergartners if they need it.
Help the Native American man build his teepee by checking multiplication facts! Learners are given purpose and excitement with this fun math worksheet. Check each set of sticks, find, and circle the ones with the correct product to complete.
Kids will love this engaging PDF graph. They'll count flowers and use checkmarks to represent the number on the graph, tangibly seeing the differences in an organized way they contributed to. All while developing their number representation and concrete number sense skills without even realizing it!
Help your kids save turtle eggs in this worksheet! Have them create a barrier by solving 9's multiplication facts, then circling the equations with the correct product. Finish up this exercise and show them how they can help protect turtle eggs from predators.
Teach your kids easy tricks to simplify any multiplication problem. For example, when multiplying any number by 10, the result will always end in a zero. To help the Texans in this worksheet, draw a line through all of the correct products to get them to The Alamo.
At the zoo, your kids can have fun with animals. Ask them to name their favorite ones and identify them in the printout. Count animals in each group together, then help your kids solve the equations and trace a line to the answer. It's an enjoyable way to combine learning and exploration!