Free download and Printable Extra Challenge Worksheets With Answers for Kindergarten - Page 12


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Check out this FREE Kindergarten Extra Challenge Trial Lesson!

Getting out of Check (Capture, Protect, Run Away)

With answer key
  • Kindergarten
  • With answer key
  • Extra Challenge
Flags and Fours Worksheet
Flags and Fours Worksheet

Flags and Fours Worksheet

Have your kids identify country flags from this colorful printout. Then, ask them to underline the number sentence that goes with each flag. Combining math with national flag recognition strengthens kids' knowledge of both, promoting an understanding of identity and numbers.
Flags and Fours Worksheet
Worksheet: subtraction word problems
Worksheet: subtraction word problems

Jungle Subtraction Word Problems Substraction Worksheet

Kids will love this jungle-themed worksheet: subtraction word problems! Help the monkey work out how many bananas he has, using the number line. Encourage your child to use colorful parrots to subtract with ease and make calculations fun!
Jungle Subtraction Word Problems Substraction Worksheet
Subtracting Twos Worksheet
Subtracting Twos Worksheet

Subtracting Twos Worksheet

Help your children learn the basics of math with this worksheet. It has three number sentences they can match up with the pictures. Start by making math an enjoyable subject and help your kids underline the equation that matches up. This will give them a strong foundation to build on for the rest of their math journey.
Subtracting Twos Worksheet
Getting out of Check: Protection
Getting out of Check: Protection

Getting out of Check: Protection

Chess is a game of strategy and outwitting opponents. Kids love it for the challenge of one-upping their friends! This free chess strategy worksheet will help your child learn to protect their king and capture the checking piece. With this downloadable, they'll be able to practice protecting and capturing with the sample boards.
Getting out of Check: Protection
Money Worksheet: Shopping for Sweets
Money Worksheet: Shopping for Sweets

Shopping for Sweets Worksheet

Help your child hone their math and money skills with Shopping for Sweets! They'll count coins, work their way through a maze, and find the amount of money. Fun and educational - perfect for kids!
Shopping for Sweets Worksheet
Phonics for Kids | Long Vowel Sound I | PDF Worksheet 1
Phonics for Kids | Long Vowel Sound I | PDF Worksheet 1

Long Vowel Sound I Worksheet

Learning long vowels is essential to becoming a good reader. Ask your child to distinguish between the long and short I vowel sounds. Remind them that the long I says its name, while the short I doesn't. With this fun printable phonics worksheet, your kid can practice writing and spelling while helping a dog find his way through a maze. Check out our phonics worksheets for more learning activities.
Long Vowel Sound I Worksheet
Count and Match: Feed the Animals Worksheet
Count and Match: Feed the Animals Worksheet

Count and Match: Feed the Animals Worksheet

Learning and growing involves more than just numbers, phonics and comparison. This Feed the Animals worksheet helps kids to exercise their reasoning skills. They must work out how many rabbits and carrots there are, and then repeat the process for the squirrels. This encourages problem solving and counting skills.
Count and Match: Feed the Animals Worksheet
Money Mass Worksheet
Money Mass Worksheet

Money Mass Worksheet

By regularly working on math with your kids, they will become more confident. Ensure they understand the word problems in this printout, and help them solve it. Check the box for the correct answer of each to verify their work. With this practice, they will gradually get used to math and make progress.
Money Mass Worksheet
Subtracting From Fives Worksheet
Subtracting From Fives Worksheet

Subtracting From Fives Worksheet

Help your kids practice subtraction with this fun worksheet! Have them identify the insects, then solve the equations and find the matching number sentence. It's a great way to give them an edge in math and enjoy doing it!
Subtracting From Fives Worksheet
Notation of Checkmate Worksheet
Notation of Checkmate Worksheet

Notation of Checkmate Worksheet

Checkmate is the thrilling, ultimate move in chess! Teach your child to make it and notate it properly with this free worksheet. They'll love being able to capture the king and it's great for brain-building too! Have them look at the sample boards and place a # sign after the checkmate move for notation.
Notation of Checkmate Worksheet
Ann Takes her Friends Home Worksheet
Ann Takes her Friends Home Worksheet

Ann Takes her Friends Home Worksheet

Get your kids to tell you what they enjoy doing with their friends in each other's homes. Then, encourage them to complete the worksheet. It shows Ann taking her friends to her house. Have them draw a line through the house numbers to show Ann taking one friend home at a time.
Ann Takes her Friends Home Worksheet

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