Trace and write the letter "A"! Start with the big red dot, then do the capital and lowercase versions. Then write it again with two words - apple and alligator. Download more tracing worksheets at Kids Academy.
Practice writing the letter "O" with our new worksheet. Trace and write the letter several times, starting at the red dot. First do the uppercase letter, then the lowercase. Use the pictures to complete the words "Ostrich" and "octopus". Kids Academy offers more fun alphabet worksheets.
Turn learning into a fun journey with your child! Use this free worksheet to find and circle the lowercase letters hidden amongst uppercase letters and numbers. Your child will understand what you're teaching them as they enjoy the search.
Trace the lines from the red dot to learn to write "P"! Then practice this letter with the fun activities: complete the word "Pig" and "Pumpkin". Check out Kids Academy to get more free ABC worksheets.
Trace the letter "H", then practice writing its lowercase form. Finally, choose your favorite form of transport and ride away! Get our worksheets to make learning fun and easy.
Follow the duckling and mom to find the capital letters D, E and F on this fun alphabet worksheet! Kids learn to read and recognize letters, while differentiating them from numbers. For extra challenge, don't let the numbers fool them. The pictures above remind them of each letter's sound. Have fun and get letter-savvy!
Trace and write capital and lowercase letter "D" with our free printable alphabet worksheet! Be careful not to mix up "b" and "d" - just look at the ducks and write their first letter. The dolphin wants to join the fun too - do you like dolphins? Get more fun worksheets and activities at Kids Academy!