Help Little Red Riding Hood find rhyming words with "red". Download and print this worksheet. Have your child circle the rhyming words and pictures. Get them to say each word out loud and compare it to the word "red". When they're done, review the answers and talk about any words that don't rhyme.
Help your child learn to identify the long and short «o» sound with this colourful worksheet. Guide them as they spot words with the long or short «o» sound. With practice, your child will find it easier to tell the difference between the two.
This printout helps children learn to read fluently by connecting words with the same sound. Colorful pictures aid understanding and context for kindergarten-level students. Tracing lines, they learn to identify the sounds made by letters of the alphabet and deepen their knowledge of phonics.
Encourage your child's literacy with this fun sight words worksheet: cat PDF! It helps build a solid foundation for reading, featuring activities such as reading and tracing the word cat, and finding it amongst other sight words. With its cute cat, Kids Academy makes learning to read a delight!
Teach your kindergartner phonics with this printout worksheet! It introduces the short «i» sound and helps them differentiate and articulate sounds and letters of the alphabet. With practice, your child will soon find it easy to classify sounds into long and short vowels.
Are you ready to help your child learn the phonics long «o» sound? This worksheet is designed to aid them in getting familiar with the sound. After completing the exercise, your child should be able to differentiate letters, and recognize words with the long «o» sound. Encourage them to circle the images that have the sound.
Say "dog" and notice how long it takes to pronounce the vowel. Is it short or long? Compare it to "pea" and use this worksheet to quickly assess your child's mastery. Have them name each picture and listen for the vowel sounds. Only check the boxes for words with short vowel sounds.
Emerging readers will love this free worksheet! It's a great way to practice distinguising between long and short vowel sounds, while identifying high-frequency words. They'll also get to develop fine motor skills and gain confidence in decoding and reading skills.
Test young elementary students on vowel and consonant sounds with this friendly phonics assessment worksheet. Get kids to name each image and look at the word underneath. Ask them to sound out the word, then circle the missing letter to complete. This will help assess their knowledge and skills!
Struggling readers may have difficulty distinguishing short from long vowels. With this fun PDF worksheet, they practice identifying the corresponding short «ă» by naming each picture and ticking the right boxes. It's a great way to work on decoding and fluency skills!
Get your kids excited to read with our dog-themed sight words worksheet!
Excite your child to read with our sight words worksheet: dog edition! Featuring a lovable dog character to put a smile on any kid's face, this worksheet helps kids practice reading and writing the word "dog". Build a library of words they can read quickly and promote increasing literacy skills with early fluency! Get them ready for reading with our dog-themed sight words worksheet!
This worksheet is great for honing pre-reading skills. It helps kids make connections between pictures and written words, use problem-solving, and recognize sounds and words that rhyme. Have fun exploring rhyming words with your child, and they'll be rhyming in no time!
This worksheet teaches kids to spell words with vowels. It features familiar pics for them to recognize, and they practice fine motor skills by circling the correct spelling. It's an enjoyable way for kids to learn how to spell and promote reading skills.
Practice distinguishing long and short vowel sound E with this free printable! Kids must complete the word “bee” by tracing the maze and adding the missing letter E. Remind them to say the word aloud to help sharpen their phonics ear. Get more phonics fun with the vowel sound E here.
Help your new reader master vowel recognition with this fun worksheet. By using picture clues and practicing fine motor skills, they'll learn to differentiate between words with the long and short «u» sound. Your learner will also get to practice vowel discrimination in high-frequency words. It's a great way to learn the importance of vowels in reading!
Rhyming helps kids understand language, read and write better. This printable worksheet boosts problem-solving and cognitive skills with vibrant pictures. It teaches kids to identify words, recognize rhymes, complete mental tasks and write words. An extra activity: show them how rhyming words share some of the same letters.
This worksheet helps kids learn catchy sayings with rhymes, notice words and sounds that rhyme, and use problem solving to solve expressions. By using these expressions in everyday talk, kids gain the repetition needed to internalize the skills they've learned. Check out our nursery rhymes to further support them!
This fun worksheet tests your child's sound recognition skills for each part of a word. Ask your child to name each image and trace the line to match it with the corresponding letter. Listen for beginning sounds on 1st, middle sounds on 2nd, and ending sounds on 3rd. Encourage learning with this colorful and interactive activity!