Teach your kids math with diligence, patience and practice. This colorful worksheet helps by matching addition and multiplication sentences, then checking the equation that matches each array. Perfect for kids having difficulty or to give extra practice. Help your little ones master mathematics with this printout.
Teaching your child multiplication can be tricky. Help them out with some easy tips! Teach them that when multiplying by 10, the answer always ends in 0. Just like counting by 10's. Show them examples and encourage them to solve the facts, checking their answer with the correct product.
Help your kids learn the multiplication table faster by introducing them to this fun worksheet! It allows them to learn at a more engaging pace, with the added challenge of naming desert animals. Solve each fact and check the correct product, for an enjoyable and effective way to practice their 9’s multiplication facts.
Ask your kids to identify the birds in the pic and help them solve the equations. Then, have them circle the correct product. Encourage your kids to explore the wonders of nature with this bird-themed worksheet that'll take their interest to a whole new level, especially if they already have a pet bird or love birds!
Explain to your kids an invertebrate is an animal without a backbone. Examples: squid, jellyfish, octopus. Now, look at the starfish in the picture and help your kids circle the correct facts.
Once a tiny egg, a butterfly goes through its life cycle. From egg to caterpillar to cocoon to beautiful winged creature! Ask your kids to complete the lifecycle by solving the facts on the worksheet. Help them draw a line to the right answer and let them marvel at the butterfly's amazing transformation!