Knowledge application Normal Social Studies Worksheets for 8-Year-Olds

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Cause and Effect Interactions

With answer key
  • 8
  • With answer key
  • Knowledge application
  • Social Studies
  • Normal
Groups of Fossils Worksheet
Groups of Fossils Worksheet

Groups of Fossils Worksheet

Kids need to learn multiplication after mastering addition and subtraction. To make it fun, use worksheets like this one. Have kids draw objects to match each sentence - this helps them understand multiplication better. With this approach, they'll be sure to learn the concepts.
Groups of Fossils Worksheet
Repel and attract magnet worksheet
Repel and attract magnet worksheet

Repel and Attract Magnet Worksheet

Opposites attract in magnetism! Try this magnet worksheet to review the laws. Draw a line to show the effect when poles align. Then explore static electricity, and how it affects clothes at home.
Repel and Attract Magnet Worksheet