Check out this FREE Grade 2 Trial Lesson on Numbers!


With answer key
  • Grade 2
  • With answer key
  • Mathematical reasoning
  • Numbers
Counting and Comparing: Assessment 1 Worksheet
Counting and Comparing: Assessment 1 Worksheet

Counting and Comparing: Assessment 1 Worksheet

Download this worksheet and let your students show their progress in identifying, sequencing, and matching numbers and written forms. They'll practice number line skills and matching numeric expressions with numbers. Quickly see how well they understand computation concepts.
Counting and Comparing: Assessment 1 Worksheet
Counting in an Amusement Park Worksheet
Counting in an Amusement Park Worksheet

Counting in an Amusement Park Worksheet

Love amusement parks? This colorful worksheet is sure to delight your child as they solve basic addition problems with missing addends. Picture representations help them solve the math equations, while traceable lines help them accurately complete the drawings. No roller coaster ride here, but still loads of fun!
Counting in an Amusement Park Worksheet