Check out this FREE Grade 3 "Counting skills" Trial Lesson!

Multiplication Facts 8

With answer key
  • Grade 3
  • With answer key
  • Counting skills
Printable Money Games and PDF Worksheets: Five Cents or the Nickel
Printable Money Games and PDF Worksheets: Five Cents or the Nickel

Five Cents or the Nickel Money Worksheet

Counting money games help kids make learning money fun and easy. Next up: the 5 cent coin, or nickel. Look at both sides and remember them. Then, trace the word "nickel" to help you remember. Finally, count the nickels and work out amounts in cents. Let's do this! Kids Academy helps make money learning easy and fun!
Five Cents or the Nickel Money Worksheet
Voting by 1s Worksheet
Voting by 1s Worksheet

Voting by 1s Worksheet

Ask your child if they can list duties of a good citizen. These include voting, to elect right leaders. With this worksheet, the voting ballots have fallen to the floor! Help your kids pick them up and cast each vote by circling the correct multiplication facts.
Voting by 1s Worksheet
10 Dimes Worksheet
10 Dimes Worksheet

10 Dimes Worksheet

Get your students ready for the task by asking them to count as high as they can. Familiar objects are stacked in groups. Look at the picture and help them count the dimes. Circle the groups of 10. This worksheet will help kindergartners practice counting up to and recognizing 10 dimes.
10 Dimes Worksheet
Marching 8’s for Rights Worksheet
Marching 8’s for Rights Worksheet

Marching 8’s for Rights Worksheet

Encourage your students to explore MLK's history! This worksheet provides the perfect opportunity. Help them understand his contributions by having them "march" MLK from the starting point to Washington D.C. Have them draw a line through the correct multiplication facts to get there. It's an enjoyable way for kindergartners to learn about a key part of history.
Marching 8’s for Rights Worksheet
Addition at the Zoo Worksheet
Addition at the Zoo Worksheet

Addition at the Zoo Worksheet

Visit the zoo with your kids and point out all the different animals. Ask them to name their favorites and identify animals on a worksheet. Challenge them to solve word problems related to the pictures. Ask them for the equation that fits the picture and check the answer.
Addition at the Zoo Worksheet
Counting with Drawings:Fruits & Flowers Worksheet
Counting with Drawings:Fruits & Flowers Worksheet

Counting with Drawings:Fruits & Flowers Worksheet

At Kids Academy, we know pictures make math come alive and make sense. This worksheet is perfect for early learners to practice word problems. Kids read each problem and count the images that represent the numbers, then solve the problem with addition or subtraction to get the right answer.
Counting with Drawings:Fruits & Flowers Worksheet
Aircraft Carrier Picture Graphs Worksheet
Aircraft Carrier Picture Graphs Worksheet

Aircraft Carrier Picture Graphs Worksheet

Kids love learning about jets and boats with this awesome worksheet! It's a great way to engage them as they work on picture graphs. Representing numerical values with pictures, this free PDF requires them to choose which picture graph and representation best match the carrier in the picture. It's also great practice for visual discrimination!
Aircraft Carrier Picture Graphs Worksheet
Learning Numbers Worksheets: Learn to Write the Number 2 PDF
Learning Numbers Worksheets: Learn to Write the Number 2 PDF

Learn to Write the Number 2 Worksheet

Teaching numbers should be fun! Ask your kids to count the two chicks, circle the groups of two among the animals, then trace and write the number and word. Get more fun worksheets from Kids Academy.
Learn to Write the Number 2 Worksheet
Animal Addition Worksheet
Animal Addition Worksheet

Animal Addition Worksheet

Get your kids learning addition and subtraction with this fun worksheet! Show them that solving equations can be enjoyable and help them match number sentences to the correct boxes. By doing this together, you'll create a positive learning experience that your kids won't forget.
Animal Addition Worksheet
Learning Numbers Worksheets: Trace And Write Number 0 PDF Worksheet
Learning Numbers Worksheets: Trace And Write Number 0 PDF Worksheet

Trace And Write Number 0 Worksheet

Let’s learn numbers together! Start with zero: practice writing, counting, matching spots. Tracing lines will help. Then move on to the collection of number worksheets. Enjoy learning with Kids Academy!
Trace And Write Number 0 Worksheet
Free addition PDF worksheet for 3rd grade
Free addition PDF worksheet for 3rd grade

Free Addition Worksheet

Perfect for a wintry day, challenge your 3rd grader to compare addition equations and fill in the missing numbers in the PDF. This winter-themed worksheet is sure to bring a smile while your 3rd grader practices their addition skills. Perfect for a blustery day, challenge your child to compare addition equations and complete the missing numbers in the PDF.
Free Addition Worksheet
Number the Line Fun Worksheet
Number the Line Fun Worksheet

Number Line Fun Worksheet

Give your child a hand in math with this worksheet. It contains three number lines with points to which they should assign correct fractions. Support your child with this exercise and they'll get better at mathematics.
Number Line Fun Worksheet