Shape Recognition Easy Fractions of Shapes Worksheets for Ages 5-6

Check out this FREE Trial Lesson on Fractions of Shapes for age 5-6!

Cut Rectangles: Halves and Wholes

With answer key
  • 5-6
  • Shape Recognition
  • Fractions of Shapes
  • Easy
Name the Shapes Halves or Fourths? Worksheet
Name the Shapes Halves or Fourths? Worksheet

Name the Shapes Halves or Fourths? Worksheet

Before starting, ask your child if they understand what halves and fourths are. If they can answer correctly, move on with the worksheet. Help them circle the right option beside each shape, showing if it's split into halves or fourths.
Name the Shapes Halves or Fourths? Worksheet
Cutting in Halves Worksheet
Cutting in Halves Worksheet

Cutting in Halves Worksheet

Show your child how to divide a whole shape, like a square, into smaller pieces to become fractions. Point out when a shape is divided into two equal parts, it's called a half. Look at the worksheet together, and identify all rectangles that are cut in half (½).
Cutting in Halves Worksheet