Playing chess boosts your children's brainpower and this worksheet helps them out of sticky situations. It teaches them how to flee with their king to avoid checkmate, as well as how to initiate their own strategic moves on the board. Get your kids on the road to success with this helpful PDF.
When kids play chess, they're not only striving to win - they're sharpening their critical thinking and problem-solving prowess. With this free PDF worksheet, they learn how to protect their king from check, whether it's running away, shielding it or capturing the checking piece. Sample boards offer them the chance to practice.
Kids love chess because it combines strategy and the thrill of outwitting their opponents! This free chess strategy worksheet teaches kids how to protect and capture the threatening piece when their king is in danger. The downloadable includes sample boards to practice with. Get it today and have your chess whiz mastering the game in no time!
Chess is a game of strategy and outwitting opponents. Kids love it for the challenge of one-upping their friends! This free chess strategy worksheet will help your child learn to protect their king and capture the checking piece. With this downloadable, they'll be able to practice protecting and capturing with the sample boards.