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    Check out this FREE Kindergarten Trial Lesson on Addition!

    Adding with 2's

    With answer key
    • Kindergarten
    • Addition
    Adding at the Hospital Worksheet
    Adding at the Hospital Worksheet

    Adding at the Hospital Worksheet

    A hospital visit doesn't have to be scary for kids. With this worksheet, they can count along with doctors and nurses, by reading the word problems and tracing lines to the corresponding picture. Guide them through it and you'll help them have a fun experience.
    Adding at the Hospital Worksheet
    Number Stories One More - Assessment 2 Worksheet Preview
    Number Stories One More - Assessment 2 Worksheet Preview

    Number Stories One More – Assessment 2 Worksheet

    Tracing is a great activity for kids. They can count and trace numbers, recognize animals, and practice drawing on dotted lines. It's entertaining and educational, helping children learn valuable counting skills.
    Number Stories One More – Assessment 2 Worksheet
    Sums and Differences Within 1 - Assessment 2 Worksheet
    Sums and Differences Within 1 - Assessment 2 Worksheet

    Sums and Differences Within 1 - Assessment 2 Worksheet

    Help your kids practice math with these simple word problems. Read the question, discuss with them to form the equation and then check the answer. Give them a chance to sharpen their math skills!
    Sums and Differences Within 1 - Assessment 2 Worksheet
    Dinosaur Pieces: +2 Worksheet
    Dinosaur Pieces: +2 Worksheet

    Dinosaur Pieces: +2 Worksheet

    Kids love dinosaurs! See if your kids can solve these three equations featuring the mysterious creatures. Download the PDF and have them circle the number that completes each equation. Dinosaurs are extinct, not seen for thousands of years, but they can still help kids work on their math skills!
    Dinosaur Pieces: +2 Worksheet
    Garage Sale Less Than Worksheet
    Garage Sale Less Than Worksheet

    Garage Sale Less Than Worksheet

    Kids often struggle with math word problems. This worksheet offers practice, using a real-world situation: friends having a garage sale. Students read each problem, extract the relevant information, match it with the correct equation and solve. Great for honing those essential problem-solving skills!
    Garage Sale Less Than Worksheet
    Number Stories One More - Assessment 1 Worksheet Preview
    Number Stories One More - Assessment 1 Worksheet Preview

    Number Stories One More – Assessment 1 Worksheet

    Does your child need a fun way to practice distinguishing between different groups of numbers? This free PDF worksheet will have them circle the group that has one more. With its colorful nature drawings, it's an attractive activity that visual learners will enjoy!
    Number Stories One More – Assessment 1 Worksheet
    Tricky Problems Worksheet: Part 2
    Tricky Problems Worksheet: Part 2

    Tricky Problems Worksheet: Part 2

    Help your little math learner visualize number stories with this engaging worksheet. They'll connect pictures to the story and use math facts to find the sums. After that, they'll be able to identify the correct number sentences to match. Let them practice and get better at problem solving!
    Tricky Problems Worksheet: Part 2
    Count in the School of Magic Worksheet
    Count in the School of Magic Worksheet

    Count in the School of Magic Worksheet

    Your math learners can explore the School of Magic with this worksheet. They'll read equations with addition and subtraction numbers under 20, count back and forth to find the answer, then complete the counting sentences. Fun pictures and easy accuracy make it an enjoyable and successful learning experience.
    Count in the School of Magic Worksheet
    Add it Up Worksheet
    Add it Up Worksheet

    Add it Up Worksheet

    The fire service is the right number to call in case of a fire. Test your children's safety knowledge by asking them other emergency numbers. Have them identify the fire truck in the worksheet and solve the number sentences. Guide them in drawing a line to the right answer.
    Add it Up Worksheet
    Adding Up with Old MacDonald Worksheet
    Adding Up with Old MacDonald Worksheet

    Adding Up with Old MacDonald Worksheet

    Old MacDonald needs help counting his animals! Give your little math whiz a fun challenge with a free PDF worksheet. They'll love counting the animals and doing basic addition with two or three addends. Who knew math could be so much fun on the farm?
    Adding Up with Old MacDonald Worksheet
    Tooth Fairy Addition Worksheet
    Tooth Fairy Addition Worksheet

    Tooth Fairy Addition Worksheet

    Kids know of the tooth fairy and may have experienced visits. Kids love counting the money left in exchange for their teeth under the pillow. In this worksheet, help Jill and Joey count the tooth fairy's dollars. Ask your kids to use their fingers to add the numbers and check the box with the correct answer.
    Tooth Fairy Addition Worksheet
    Piecing Together 16 Worksheet
    Piecing Together 16 Worksheet

    Piecing Together 16 Worksheet

    Combine learning with fun using this colorful worksheet! Ask your preschoolers what they see in the picture, then help them solve the mathematical equations on the puzzle pieces. One equation is missing on each; have them circle the piece that will make the bottom puzzle piece numbers equal 16. Use puzzles and bright colors to teach - it's one of the best ways your kids can learn!
    Piecing Together 16 Worksheet
    Finding 16 With Fossils Worksheet
    Finding 16 With Fossils Worksheet

    Finding 16 With Fossils Worksheet

    Experts hunt for fossils, dig them up, and study them to learn more about past life forms - how they lived, what they looked like, and when they lived. Show kids the picture in this worksheet and point out the fossils. Help them count the bones and draw a line between the numbers that add up to 16 in each triangle.
    Finding 16 With Fossils Worksheet
    Sums and Differences Within 1 - Assessment 3 Worksheet
    Sums and Differences Within 1 - Assessment 3 Worksheet

    Sums and Differences Within 1 - Assessment 3 Worksheet

    When we see 'more' or 'less', they usually refer to quantity. In Math, they indicate addition or subtraction. Help kids read aloud two simple word problems and figure out the correct equations for each. Check the correct equation afterwards.
    Sums and Differences Within 1 - Assessment 3 Worksheet
    Community Helpers, One-by-One Worksheet
    Community Helpers, One-by-One Worksheet

    Community Helpers, One-by-One Worksheet

    There are many people, buildings and places in our community, so it's important to have people who maintain order. It's important citizens do their part too! This worksheet will introduce kids to community helpers. Have them complete the number sentences by checking the correct box.
    Community Helpers, One-by-One Worksheet
    6 Parrots Worksheet
    6 Parrots Worksheet

    6 Parrots Worksheet

    Love parrots? Here's a free worksheet to help your children practice counting to six with colorful parrot representations! Kids will adore counting the parrots and checking off groups of six - and it won't even feel like math! Just a fun way to make some new and exciting friends.
    6 Parrots Worksheet
    Domino +4 Worksheet
    Domino +4 Worksheet

    Domino +4 Worksheet

    Ask your kids if they know what a domino is. Explain, then move on to solving the four simple equations on this printout, adding a number to 4. Help them find the sum and circle the number.
    Domino +4 Worksheet
    Find the Missing Number to Complete the Puzzle Worksheet
    Find the Missing Number to Complete the Puzzle Worksheet

    Find the Missing Number to Complete the Puzzle Worksheet

    Teach math with fun puzzles! Have kids solve the six equations and trace lines to the correct answer. Puzzles engage minds and help students learn. Try this worksheet to make math learning fun.
    Find the Missing Number to Complete the Puzzle Worksheet
    Building with 10 Worksheet
    Building with 10 Worksheet

    Building with 10 Worksheet

    Counting numbers can be simple with this worksheet: Ask your kids to count the stacks of objects, ensure accuracy with your help, then circle the ones of ten. With practice and guidance, your children will soon become counting pros!
    Building with 10 Worksheet
    Addition up to 20 worksheet
    Addition up to 20 worksheet

    Valentine's Day Addition Worksheet

    This Valentine's Day themed worksheet is a fun way for your child to practice adding single digits up to 20! Hearts feature to help your child increase their math skills and have fun at the same time.
    Valentine's Day Addition Worksheet
    Colonies Making 13 Worksheet
    Colonies Making 13 Worksheet

    Colonies Making 13 Worksheet

    Help your students trace the lines to complete the puzzle! They must identify the objects in the pictures and find the missing numbers that add up to 13. Colonizers arrived in America on a ship, forming an agreement with the Native Americans. Can your students fill in the gaps?
    Colonies Making 13 Worksheet
    Find Two at the Zoo Worksheet
    Find Two at the Zoo Worksheet

    Find Two at the Zoo Worksheet

    Help your kids overcome math fears and practice subtracting numbers with this traceable PDF. Ask them to identify the 6 groups of animals in the picture and count the animals in each group. Then, help them trace a line to all of the pictures that illustrate the equation 5-2.
    Find Two at the Zoo Worksheet
    Visiting the USA Worksheet
    Visiting the USA Worksheet

    Visiting the USA Worksheet

    Do your kids love travelling? Ask them why and find out what they look forward to the most. People travel for a variety of reasons, such as adventure, holiday, or business. Juan and Jenn in the picture travel for adventure and have a goal they want to achieve. Read the word problems to your kids and help them pick the right equation and match the total.
    Visiting the USA Worksheet
    Fairytale Addition Worksheet
    Fairytale Addition Worksheet

    Fairytale Addition Worksheet

    Take your kids to Fairytale Land! They'll meet witches, dragons, fairies, elves, knights, and princesses. This free worksheet adds up the fun, letting kids use three addends to solve addition equations and find the right answers. With friends like these, math won't even seem like math!
    Fairytale Addition Worksheet

    The Importance of Free Printable Addition Worksheets for Kindergarten Students

    Are you struggling to come up with educational materials to teach your Kindergarten students about basic addition skills? Look no further than free printable addition worksheets! These worksheets are a valuable tool for any educator or parent seeking to reinforce the fundamental addition concepts in their Kindergartener.

    Addition worksheets allow children to practice identifying numbers and counting objects, both essential building blocks in learning addition. By repeatedly working through addition problems as they are presented on the worksheet, children are able to quickly and efficiently memorize combinations of numbers that add up to sums. This basic understanding paves the way for more advanced math concepts they will be introduced to in the future.

    Not only do these worksheets help lay the groundwork for learning more complex mathematical operations, they also provide a fun and engaging way for young children to interact with numbers. A colorful worksheet with images and numbers is a much more inviting way to learn math than a bland textbook. The inclusion of pictures and graphics allows children to visualize numbers and math problems in real life applications, such as counting fruit or adding up toys. This hands-on interaction with numbers helps children solidify the connection between numerals and concrete concepts.

    Another great benefit of free printable addition worksheets is their flexibility and ease of use. These worksheets can be accessed for free online, making them a cost-effective method for teaching. Additionally, worksheets can be printed out and completed at home, school, or on the go. This versatility is especially useful for parents looking to incorporate fun and educational activities into their children’s lives outside of the classroom.

    If you are an educator or a parent, consider adding these worksheets to your child’s math curriculum. Don’t be afraid to mix in different types of worksheets for variety, such as ones with word problems or ones that require simple addition calculations. The repetition and variety provided by these worksheets will help build a strong foundation in addition that your Kindergartener can build upon as their mathematical abilities grow.

    In conclusion, free printable addition worksheets are a highly valuable tool for teaching young children the basics of addition. They provide an engaging, visual, and easy-to-use platform for children to practice foundational math skills. Add them to your collection of educational materials today!