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Introduction to Line Plots

With answer key
  • Sequencing Skills
  • Measurement
Making a Correct Number Line: Balcony Garden Worksheet
Making a Correct Number Line: Balcony Garden Worksheet

Making a Correct Number Line: Balcony Garden Worksheet

Teach your child to draw and identify a line plot with this worksheet. Have them help Sophia check her plot for the heights of plants in her balcony, ensuring no numbers are skipped. Line plots are a great way to quickly organize information and an essential skill your child needs.
Making a Correct Number Line: Balcony Garden Worksheet
Ordering Size Worksheet
Ordering Size Worksheet

Ordering Size Worksheet

This worksheet helps students practice mathematical vocabulary related to size and quantity. Children look at pictures and draw a line to the objects that are taller, shorter, big, small, light, heavy, empty or full. The teacher can quickly check students' understanding of these measurement terms and then ask for examples of their own.
Ordering Size Worksheet