Chess strategy learning Normal Worksheets for Ages 5-7

Check out this FREE "Chess strategy learning" Trial Lesson for age 5-7!

Special Moves: En Passant

With answer key
  • 5-7
  • Chess strategy learning
  • Normal
How King Captures Worksheet
How King Captures Worksheet

How King Captures Worksheet

The king can capture an enemy piece by taking its place. But it cannot move if the action will put it at risk of attack, or if it's next to the enemy king. On this worksheet, circle the places the white king can capture in one move. (80 words)
How King Captures Worksheet
En Passant Bingo Worksheet
En Passant Bingo Worksheet

En Passant Bingo Worksheet

To teach kids to perfect the en passant move in chess, use this worksheet. It has pictures which depict when a pawn is in danger of being captured. By looking through the pictures, kids can easily understand and perfect the move.
En Passant Bingo Worksheet