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Check out this FREE Trial Lesson for age 6-9!

Comparing Numbers based on Place Value

With answer key
  • 6-9
  • Normal
Comparing Number Representations Worksheet
Comparing Number Representations Worksheet

Comparing Number Representations Worksheet

Children need number representation skills to develop efficient computation and number sense. This free worksheet gives them practice with ten frames and place value blocks. They compare numbers and select the right comparative symbol: <, > or =. This helps them build a solid foundation for math.
Comparing Number Representations Worksheet
Tricky Numbers Worksheet
Tricky Numbers Worksheet

Tricky Numbers Worksheet

As parents and teachers, we must ensure our children are well-rounded. This worksheet is a fun way for them to exercise their minds, with questions to answer and a dotted line to trace for the correct answer. Strengthen their math skills, logical reasoning and more with this PDF.
Tricky Numbers Worksheet
Uppercase Letters J, K, and L Worksheet Preview
Uppercase Letters J, K, and L Worksheet Preview

Uppercase Letters J, K, and L Worksheet

Jewelry, kettle and lobster share a common trait: their names start with J, K and L, 3 letter neighbors found in the middle of the alphabet. This traceable worksheet helps kids learn letter sounds and practice writing. Arrows and tracing lines make it easy to form neat pencil strokes. Red dot shows where kids should start. Perfect for preschoolers and kindergarteners!
Uppercase Letters J, K, and L Worksheet
Subtraction with regrouping worksheets for 2nd grade
Subtraction with regrouping worksheets for 2nd grade

Subtraction With Regrouping for 2nd Grade Worksheet

Kids solve two-digit subtraction problems using regrouping and color in the baseballs. 2nd graders may find regrouping for subtraction tricky, so give them a helping hand with this fun worksheet! They practice two-digit subtraction and regrouping by coloring in baseballs as they solve the problems. Let them practice the skill and enjoy the game at the same time.
Subtraction With Regrouping for 2nd Grade Worksheet
Subtraction with regrouping worksheet: Snowflake
Subtraction with regrouping worksheet: Snowflake

Subtraction With Regrouping Worksheet: Snowflake

It's a great way to learn on a cold winter day. Teach your child regrouping while subtracting with this winter-themed activity! Have them refer to the instructions at the top and solve each problem using the strategy. Snowflake Subtraction is a great way to learn on a cold winter day - choose the correct answer and have fun!
Subtraction With Regrouping Worksheet: Snowflake
Reading: Long I and IE Worksheet
Reading: Long I and IE Worksheet

Reading: Long I and IE Worksheet

Have your child list words with the long /i/ sound (eg. 'pie'), and if needed, help them out with some examples. Read each word in the worksheet together and check their answer by having them circle the correct word.
Reading: Long I and IE Worksheet
Rounding Natural Energy Sources Worksheet
Rounding Natural Energy Sources Worksheet

Rounding Natural Energy Sources Worksheet

Ask your kids what policies they would love to see if a politician is voted into power. Then, have them help the politician in this worksheet, downloading the PDF and rounding up the number of people to the nearest hundred in support of using different natural resources as an energy source. Guide them to the correct answer.
Rounding Natural Energy Sources Worksheet
Layers of Mars Printable Worksheet
Layers of Mars Printable Worksheet

Layers of Mars Printable Worksheet

Travel to Mars with this printable worksheet! Kids explore the 3 layers of the planet - the crust, mantle and core. Just like Earth, Mars is made up of these three main layers. Let them discover the fascinating extraterrestrial planet!
Layers of Mars Printable Worksheet
Balanced forces worksheet
Balanced forces worksheet

Balanced Forces Worksheet

Ready for a fun game? This worksheet will balance the forces so your kids can decide who will win their tug of war! With the right number of kids on each side of the rope, the forces will be equal. Help your little ones decide who will prevail in the game. Ready, set, go!
Balanced Forces Worksheet
Mayors and Governors Worksheet
Mayors and Governors Worksheet

Mayors and Governors Worksheet

Encourage your children to learn more about your country's leaders. Ask them if they can name your mayor or state's governor. Explain that mayors lead cities, while governors lead states. Read the descriptions out loud to them, and help them identify if it's a mayor or a governor.
Mayors and Governors Worksheet
Going up or Down? Worksheet
Going up or Down? Worksheet

Going up or Down? Worksheet

Young students learn the concept of up and down with this geometry worksheet. They trace lines to identify relative positioning as an object travels. Kids can use position words to describe an object's movement, enhancing their spatial relationship skills - an important geometry foundation.
Going up or Down? Worksheet
Fraction Quest Worksheet
Fraction Quest Worksheet

Fraction Quest Worksheet

This colorful and educative worksheet can help kids conquer their fractions struggles. Ask them to identify the four shapes, then the fractions they represent. They can then check the correct answers from the options given.
Fraction Quest Worksheet
Force and Interactions: Review 1 Worksheet
Force and Interactions: Review 1 Worksheet

Force and Interactions: Review 1 Worksheet

See how well your child can identify the different forces. Explain to your child that force is what causes objects to move, such as wind blowing a branch or an object going down a ramp. Ask them to circle images that show a force and assess how well they can identify them.
Force and Interactions: Review 1 Worksheet
Seashell Collectors Worksheet
Seashell Collectors Worksheet

Seashell Collectors Worksheet

Bring beach fun into math with this printable worksheet! Carefully read the text with your child and figure out how many seashells Stuart has - more than Meg's, less than Jane's. Forget boring indoor math; your child won't want to miss out on this fun activity!
Seashell Collectors Worksheet
Fractions: Assessment 2 Worksheet
Fractions: Assessment 2 Worksheet

Fractions: Assessment 2 Worksheet

Help your kids understand fractions better with this worksheet. Ask them to complete the fraction statements using the fraction models on the left and then check the correct numerators. This can help clear up any confusion they may have with fractions and fraction models.
Fractions: Assessment 2 Worksheet
Geometric Shapes for Kids: Practice Drawing Hexahedrons And a Rhombus PDF
Geometric Shapes for Kids: Practice Drawing Hexahedrons And a Rhombus PDF

Practice Drawing Hexahedrons And a Rhombus Worksheet

Trace the Robot's face, draw hexahedron and rhombus shapes, then trace again. Our tracing shapes worksheets make it easy for kids to learn geometry. Get more materials from Kids Academy to practice all the shapes.
Practice Drawing Hexahedrons And a Rhombus Worksheet
Declaration of Independence PDF Worksheet
Declaration of Independence PDF Worksheet

Declaration of Independence Worksheet

This PDF worksheet will help your child review important US history facts about the Declaration of Independence. It will cover key topics such as its purpose, author and date it was signed, which are integral to the US as a nation.
Declaration of Independence Worksheet
Letter Q worksheets
Letter Q worksheets

Letter Q Tracing Page

Learn the letter "Q"! Trace and write it a few times in upper and lowercase. Then help the Queen by writing her initial letter. Finally, write "quarters" and practice with more alphabet worksheets.
Letter Q Tracing Page
More About Pelicans Worksheet
More About Pelicans Worksheet

More About Pelicans Worksheet

Train your reader to look for clues in words with this fun worksheet about pelicans! As they read each sentence, they'll learn more about these majestic birds. Once they finish, answer the questions and explore even more!
More About Pelicans Worksheet
Sorting Food Worksheet
Sorting Food Worksheet

Sorting Food Worksheet

This delightful worksheet boosts critical thinking and fine motor skills. Kids use prior knowledge and pictures to sort foods into healthy and unhealthy groups. Tracing lines support accurate sorting and matching. Enjoy fun and free learning!
Sorting Food Worksheet
What Is Archaeology? Worksheet
What Is Archaeology? Worksheet

What Is Archaeology? Worksheet

Archeology is the study of past life and culture. With this worksheet, kids can learn how archeologists use tools to uncover ancient civilizations and history. Colorful pictures help them to identify and understand the tools used in archeology.
What Is Archaeology? Worksheet
Subtracting Numbers: Growing Plants Worksheet
Subtracting Numbers: Growing Plants Worksheet

Subtracting Numbers: Growing Plants Worksheet

Farmers plant and nurture crops for us to eat. To help them, check off the items a plant needs to survive: water and sunshine. Ask your child to explain more!
Subtracting Numbers: Growing Plants Worksheet
Starfish Adverbs Worksheet
Starfish Adverbs Worksheet

Starfish Adverbs Worksheet

Students will gain exposure to new words and parts of speech as they learn more. After nouns and verbs, adverbs are next. Ask students to give examples, like ‘quickly’ and ‘heavily’. Finally, help them circle the starfish that answer the question 'how often?' on the worksheet.
Starfish Adverbs Worksheet
I Stands High Worksheet Preview
I Stands High Worksheet Preview

I Stands High Worksheet

Kids can use their imagination to help a superhero find the uppercase 'I's on the 'I By Itself Stands High' worksheet. This helps children learn capitalization, and they can join the superhero in flying over a city of cats, dogs and buildings to locate the needed letters.
I Stands High Worksheet

Parents and teachers should care about understanding what is considered “normal” for children aged 6-9, because it helps in accurately assessing each child’s development, addressing any concerns, and offering appropriate support. During this period, kids experience significant growth physically, cognitively, emotionally, and socially. Knowing the milestones for these ages allows adults to distinguish between typical variations in development and potential red flags.

For instance, in the realm of cognitive development, children in this age group should start reading more fluently, develop basic math skills, and employ logical thinking. Physically, they might gain competency in motor skills such as riding a bike or handwriting. Socially, friendships become more significant, and emotionally, kids learn to manage a wider array of feelings.

Observers familiar with these milestones can spot if a child struggles with reading, faces difficulty forming peer connections, or lags in motor coordination. Early identification of issues like learning disabilities or the need for social-emotional support means interventions can be put in place sooner, increasing the likelihood of positive educational and developmental outcomes.

Ultimately, caring about normal development equips parents and teachers to nurture each child's unique path, encourage their strengths, and support their weaknesses, fostering a well-rounded and confident individual.