Normal Game basics Worksheets for 8-Year-Olds - Page 2


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With answer key
  • 8
  • Game basics
  • Normal
Writing it Down Worksheet
Writing it Down Worksheet

Writing it Down Worksheet

To document pawn promotion, add "=<piece name>" to the move notation. For example: e7-e8=Q. Ask your child to look at the chessboard and take note of the moves. Check the notations are correct. (80 words)
Writing it Down Worksheet
How Pawns Capture Worksheet
How Pawns Capture Worksheet

How Pawns Capture Worksheet

Ask your child to circle all the places a pawn can capture in one move on the diagonal. Pawns are limited in the moves they can make, but can still capture enemy pieces. This worksheet will help brush up on their knowledge of the rules of chess.
How Pawns Capture Worksheet
How Pawns Move: Part I Worksheet
How Pawns Move: Part I Worksheet

How Pawns Move: Part I Worksheet

Pawns can only move forward along the file one square at a time. For its first move, a pawn can move one or two squares. Show your child how to move pawns by asking them to put an X for the correct move on this worksheet. This exercise will help them gain confidence in using pawns.
How Pawns Move: Part I Worksheet
Smart Capturing Worksheet
Smart Capturing Worksheet

Smart Capturing Worksheet

Chess is a game of strategy and calculation. When presented with two captures, a player should always go for the one that yields the highest value. For example, taking a knight over a pawn. In this worksheet, your children will choose the best capture for each black piece. Ask them to circle the correct answers. (80 words)
Smart Capturing Worksheet
Promotion Practice Worksheet
Promotion Practice Worksheet

Promotion Practice Worksheet

Test your kids' promotions skills with this worksheet! Ask them to find the pictures in which the pawns are correctly promoted. Remember, when a pawn reaches the last rank it may be promoted to a queen, bishop, knight or rook. In addition, a pawn can be promoted when it captures a chess piece on the last rank.
Promotion Practice Worksheet
Setting up the Chessboard: Part 1 Worksheet
Setting up the Chessboard: Part 1 Worksheet

Setting up the Chessboard: Part 1 Worksheet

Teach your child the starting positions of the black and white armies on the chessboard. Black pieces are placed on ranks 7 and 8, and white pieces on ranks 1 and 2. Have them check the highlighted boxes on the chessboard to make sure they know the correct pieces to start with.
Setting up the Chessboard: Part 1 Worksheet