Kids love mazes! This free PDF city maze worksheet is sure to be a hit. Help your friend the taxi driver get through the maze, following traceable lines through different communities to the big city. It's a fun and challenging way to practice fine motor skills and succeed!
Kids likely already know how to play hopscotch. Ask them to show you the shortest, tallest and middle child in the worksheet. Then, help them order them from shortest to tallest by checking the boxes.
Your kids will have a blast as they use their fine motor skills to trace their way through the community maze worksheet. Plus, they'll enjoy meeting people, places, and creatures to sort out who and what belong in a community and who and what don't! Help their friend bike to the neighborhood school and reinforce what life is like in a community.
Look at the pictures of Emily on the left. Ask your child what she's doing in each one. Then, match the activities to the seasons on the right. Help your kids identify the correct season for each activity. Shorten to 80 words: Look at the pictures of Emily on the left. Ask your child what she's doing in each one, then match the activities to the seasons on the right. Help your kids find the correct season for each activity.