Help your third grader measure each of the four leaves, and check the box with the correct measurements. Then, trace the right number of x's to make a line plot showing the data. This exercise will engage your students and make it easier for them to grasp the concept of line plots.
Do your kids know what reptiles are? Ask them to name some and name features. In this activity, your kindergartners will measure with reptiles. Show them the picture and get them to order by length, starting with the one with 4 by the longest reptile, then the one with 1 by the shortest.
Learning measurements can be tricky, but this worksheet makes it easy. Ask your child to identify the instruments in the pictures. Then, order them by length using the numbers. 3 is the longest, 1 is the shortest. Simple exercises like this will help them understand the different metric systems.
Help your kids practice their math skills with this worksheet. Read the word problems in the picture and help them check the correct box. Word problems are equations written in sentence form, so they must be interpreted and understood to be solved correctly.
Help your kids look at the groupings on the bottom right of the worksheet. Compare the heights of the kids shown in the picture to the numbers in each group. Have them check which of the groups of numbers correctly shows the heights.
This worksheet has your child measuring objects in both centimeters and inches. The first task requires measuring both objects in centimeters, then finding their difference. The second task is the same but in inches.
To do this worksheet, your child needs to be able to measure accurately, add and subtract. They must measure both items and subtract the shorter from the longer to work out the difference in length.
Explain the size of measurements to your child by comparing them to objects they can visualize. For example, one inch is a bottle cap and one foot is the size of a hammer. Then, explain that one yard is the width of a door. Then, go through worksheets, circling the best estimates for each object's length.
Get a pencil and show your child how wide 1 cm is (about the same width). Then, take a baseball bat and explain that 1 meter is around its entire length. Now your child has an idea of what to picture when hearing cm and m. Look through the worksheet together and show them each object. Ask if the object is likely or unlikely to be the length described.
Get your students to measure different objects with this colorful worksheet. At the top of each column is a prefilled object. Ask them to look at the pictures below each column and identify the objects that are of the same length as the one at the top.
This worksheet teaches kids how inches and centimeters measure up. It features rulers with centimeter measurements at the top, and inches at the bottom. Kids must choose the correct measurement for each object among the options provided.
Your child will measure items in both inches and centimeters and check the correct measurements from the options given. The metric ruler states 2.5 cm equals 1 inch, and 15 cm equals 6 inches. This worksheet helps ensure accurate measurements, despite the different figures.
This worksheet requires math and measuring skills. When measuring an object from a non-zero starting point, subtract the start point from the end point to get the correct length. Kids must trace the dotted lines to get the right length for each part of the house.
Put your kids' measuring skills to the test with this worksheet! Kids will measure garden objects in feet and check the correct measurements from the choices given. Assess how accurately they can measure objects around the house and help them hone those skills.
A car is pictured with a metric ruler in feet at the top and a yard ruler at the bottom. Get your child to look at the picture and complete sentences about it; for example, how many yards long is the car? Is a foot a bigger or smaller unit of measurement? It'll teach them that 1 yard is equal to 3 feet.
Introduce your kids to the various measuring tools and their uses. Explain how a ruler, plastic tape, yard stick, and metal tape measure are used to measure different objects. Guide them as they help Steve measure things in his home with the correct tool.
Have your students measure the length of animals like a mouse, giraffe, fox, and bird using this fun tracing sheet. They must carefully follow the dotted lines to the correct measuring tool, and by the end of the colorful worksheet, they'll know more about measuring and the different tools used.
Let's head to the zoo and use colorful blocks to measure your child's favorite animals! With this Kids Academy worksheet, help them practice and prepare for learning measurement. Guide them in looking at the zoo animals and counting blocks to find the height. Then, read the questions and check the box next to the correct answer.
Help your child get ready for math success with this Kids Academy worksheet. It provides colorful blocks to practice measuring objects. Coach them to count the boxes under each picture, then check the box with the right answer. It's a fun way to get acquainted with rulers!
Look at the picture, can you measure the UFO & monsters? Write down how long each is. Which is tallest? Circle it. Get more free printable math worksheets for kindergarten at our website.
Help your little learners gain confidence in using a ruler! Print out our free worksheet, cut out the inch ruler, and let them measure and record objects' width and length. Kids Academy has a variety of math worksheets to make learning math fun! Check out our website for more free printables!
Practice measuring liquids with our free math worksheets. Learn how many cups are in a quart and how many quarts are in a gallon. Accurately calculate the answers and write them in the provided spaces. Visit Kids Academy for a collection of free worksheets and make math fun!