Ever wondered if a situation involved static or magnetic force? This printable worksheet has the answer! Read the scenarios and check out the illustrations to decide which force is in play for each. Learn about these two amazing forces with this fun activity!
Kids can learn about magnets using this fun worksheet! They'll identify the polarities of magnets and see if they attract or repel. Pictures of magnets will help them understand the concept and get them excited about scientific exploration!
Kids will love discovering the magical power of magnetism with this fun worksheet.
Uncover the magic of magnetism with this fun worksheet! Kids will love identifying objects that are magnetic and those that are not. Objects made of metal and those that aren't can be identified, helping your child to gain valuable practice and explore the mysterious power of magnetism!
Introduce your child to magnetism with this fun maze! Read the summary to explain the concept, then help them find the magnetic object as they navigate the maze. It's a great way to learn and have fun!