Check out this FREE "Comparing quantities" Trial Lesson for age 3!

Arrange up to 10 Objects

With answer key
  • 3
  • Interactive
  • Comparing quantities
Line up the Tigers Worksheet
Line up the Tigers Worksheet

Line up the Tigers Worksheet

Give your preschoolers the right tools to succeed in math. Show them pictures of animals, then have them count the stripes and check the box that shows the tigers lined up in the right order. This will help them understand and make their journey easier.
Line up the Tigers Worksheet
Recycling - More or Less Worksheet
Recycling - More or Less Worksheet

Recycling - More or Less Worksheet

Your child can compare numbers and solve word problems with this free worksheet. Help them understand what's being asked as Sam and Ali take items to the recycling center. They can choose the correct equation to match the word problem and apply their skills in reading and pulling out the appropriate information.
Recycling - More or Less Worksheet
Soup Towers Worksheet
Soup Towers Worksheet

Soup Towers Worksheet

Do your kids come shopping? Transform it into a learning experience! Point out items and ask your kids what they are. Count each stack of cans, and have them check the tower with an extra can of soup. It's a great way to teach them counting and counting up!
Soup Towers Worksheet
Comparing Numbers Printable Worksheet
Comparing Numbers Printable Worksheet

Which Has More? Size Worksheet

This worksheet is perfect for your child to practice critical thinking and logical reasoning. Your child will count and compare the fruits and veggies in the crates to decide which one has more. They will use complex cognitive skills and practice following precise rules. Guide them through the directions and help keep their focus, while enjoying the images.
Which Has More? Size Worksheet