This free PDF worksheet provides preschoolers an understanding of danger and appropriate play. It allows them to recognize dangerous situations and why they can be risky, granting kids perspective from both parents and teachers. It's a fun, safe way to help them internalize what's dangerous and what's not.
Do your kids love or fear spiders? Either way, they'll enjoy helping the little critters with this traceable worksheet. Ask them to read out the words in the picture, explaining it's the description of the hats. Then help them trace on the dotted lines, so the spiders know which hat to hide under.
Introduce your child to 3D and 2D with this traceable worksheet. With dotted lines, help them trace and make a 2D shape for each 3D shape: square, triangle, rectangle, and circle. Show them there's more than one way to draw! You may have taken them to a 3D movie, or they've seen some fantastic 3D art. Now they can wonder no more.
Test your child's ability to copy with this worksheet. Ask them to find and name the four shapes on the left. Then, they must match each with the dotted lines on the right. Help your child with all four shapes in this fun exercise.
Help your child count from 1-10 and practice problem solving skills with this dot to dot worksheet. Your child will enjoy helping the cute monkey swing from tree to tree while honing their math skills. Let them have a jungle-themed counting adventure!