Spatial reasoning improvement Chess Basics Worksheets for Ages 4-7

Check out this FREE Trial Lesson on Chess Basics for age 4-7!

Initial Positions on the Board

With answer key
  • 4-7
  • Interactive
  • Spatial reasoning improvement
  • Chess Basics
Setting up the Chessboard: Part 1 Worksheet
Setting up the Chessboard: Part 1 Worksheet

Setting up the Chessboard: Part 1 Worksheet

Teach your child the starting positions of the black and white armies on the chessboard. Black pieces are placed on ranks 7 and 8, and white pieces on ranks 1 and 2. Have them check the highlighted boxes on the chessboard to make sure they know the correct pieces to start with.
Setting up the Chessboard: Part 1 Worksheet
Ranks and Files Worksheet
Ranks and Files Worksheet

Ranks and Files Worksheet

A chessboard has 8 horizontal ranks and 8 vertical files, each with 8 squares. Test your child's understanding of these directions with this fun worksheet!
Ranks and Files Worksheet