Understanding citizenship Community Worksheets for Ages 4-7

Check out this FREE Trial Lesson on Community for age 4-7!


With answer key
  • 4-7
  • Interactive
  • Understanding citizenship
  • Community
What is a Citizen? Worksheet
What is a Citizen? Worksheet

What is a Citizen? Worksheet

Do your students know who a citizen is? Use this worksheet to teach them: a citizen is a member of a community, such as your school, city or country. Look at the pictures in the pdf with your students. Ask them to identify who or what is in the pictures, and help them check which are citizens.
What is a Citizen? Worksheet
A Good School Citizen Worksheet
A Good School Citizen Worksheet

A Good School Citizen Worksheet

Ask your child to list qualities of a good citizen. Show them the pictures of good citizens in school and explain how they can display those behaviors. Help your kid trace the lines on the worksheet to match the pictures. Encouraging good citizenship in school helps children become upstanding members of their community.
A Good School Citizen Worksheet
What Makes a Good Citizen? Worksheet
What Makes a Good Citizen? Worksheet

What Makes a Good Citizen? Worksheet

Ask your children to list some habits of a good citizen. Go through the worksheet and ask them if any of the pictures show good habits. Check the boxes of the actions that a good citizen would do to help your students understand what makes a good and bad citizen.
What Makes a Good Citizen? Worksheet
How to Be a Good Citizen Worksheet
How to Be a Good Citizen Worksheet

Being a Good Citizen Printable

Help your child learn the importance of being a good citizen with this fun worksheet! It reinforces positive behaviors in the community and teaches essential skills like character. Try it today!
Being a Good Citizen Printable