Help your kids learn to count. Start with easy counting of numbers as high as possible. Use the pictures in this printout. Point to the middle one, help them identify it and then count one more than it. Do this to help them get ready for more difficult math concepts like addition, subtraction and multiplication.
Help the Mother bird find her nest! Show your kids this printout, have them point at the bird and the nests. Ask them to count the eggs in each nest carefully. Finally, help her by circling the one with 5 eggs.
Download this fun, colorful math worksheet from Kids Academy and help your kid improve their counting skills. Match the boxes to the same number of vegetables, using the pictures to visualize the problem. Get more free printables from Kids Academy by topic.
Print this bright math worksheet from Kids Academy and give your child a fun way to enhance their counting skills. Based on Singapore Math, the colourful pictures make it easy for children to comprehend math. Get additional free worksheets here!