Good readers need to analyze text features and use picture clues to understand. This assessment worksheet gives your child info in different formats and they can show understanding using answer options to check the correct answers. (80 words)
Help your child learn about the author and illustrator of a book with this free and colorful worksheet. They'll trace lines to pick the tools used by each and understand the difference between them. It's a great way to introduce fundamental concepts of reading.
Ask your students: What comes to mind when we talk about a community? What different habits do people practice? What do fellow students do that seems strange? Read this passage aloud to your kindergartners and make sure they understand it. Then, answer the questions at the bottom of the page. (80 words)
This fun and funny worksheet challenges your child to decide if each animal can do the activity listed. Can a camel go sunbathing? Separating fact from fiction can be entertaining! Motivate your child while they complete this PDF worksheet.