Understanding punctuation Writing Worksheets for 4-Year-Olds

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  • Understanding punctuation
  • Writing
Sentences That End in an Question Mark Worksheet
Sentences That End in an Question Mark Worksheet

Sentences That End in an Question Mark Worksheet

Teach your students about the four most common punctuation marks - period, comma, question mark, and exclamation mark - with this worksheet. Show them how to use the question mark to indicate a sentence is a question. Then, have them check all sentences that end in a question mark.
Sentences That End in an Question Mark Worksheet
Sentences That End in an Exclamation Mark Worksheet
Sentences That End in an Exclamation Mark Worksheet

Sentences That End in an Exclamation Mark Worksheet

This worksheet is a great way to brush up kids' punctuation skills. Period, comma, question mark and exclamation mark are the first four punctuation marks they should learn. Exclamation marks show strong emotion or a noise. Use this printout to teach and test kids' understanding of exclamation marks.
Sentences That End in an Exclamation Mark Worksheet