Strategic thinking development Game basics Worksheets for Ages 5-6

Check out this FREE Trial Lesson on Game basics for age 5-6!

Special Moves: Castling

With answer key
  • 5-6
  • Interactive
  • Strategic thinking development
  • Game basics
Short Notation of Moves Worksheet
Short Notation of Moves Worksheet

Short Notation of Moves Worksheet

To master chess, you need more than just knowing the pieces and their moves - you need to be able to make notations of your moves. To make a short notation, write the piece name and square it moved to; for example, Bd2 for bishop on d2. Pawns don't need the piece name, just the square; e.g. g5. Show your kids how to draw lines to the board for the moves given.
Short Notation of Moves Worksheet
Chess Manners Worksheet
Chess Manners Worksheet

Chess Manners Worksheet

Teach your child chess manners in addition to table and social ones. Chess has clear rules and etiquette which must be followed for a proper game. Review this worksheet with your kid and discuss the pictures that show inappropriate behaviours. This will help them understand how to play the game correctly and with good manners.
Chess Manners Worksheet
Castling No - no's: Part 2 Worksheet
Castling No - no's: Part 2 Worksheet

Castling No - no's: Part 2 Worksheet

Teach your child the rules of castling: no castling if the king is under attack or will move onto an attacked square, or cross an attack line. To prepare for a game of chess, help your child complete the exercise of identifying when the king can castle – check the pictures.
Castling No - no's: Part 2 Worksheet
How Queen Captures Worksheet
How Queen Captures Worksheet

How Queen Captures Worksheet

Chess is a great game for sharpening math skills, strategic thinking, and knowledge of how each piece moves. If your child is interested, introduce them with this worksheet. It demonstrates how the queen can capture opposing pieces, such as another queen, and take their place.
How Queen Captures Worksheet
One Move Checkmates: Puzzle 2 Worksheet
One Move Checkmates: Puzzle 2 Worksheet

One Move Checkmates: Puzzle 2 Worksheet

Fine-tuning logic and critical thinking skills can be tricky but this free PDF offers a fun way for little logisticians to practice visual-spatial relationships and strategizing to checkmate the black king. It also boosts directional and reading skills which makes it a great brain-building puzzle.
One Move Checkmates: Puzzle 2 Worksheet