Check out this FREE "Capitalization rules" Trial Lesson for age 5-8!

Capitalize the First Word in a Sentence and the Pronoun I

With answer key
  • 5-8
  • Interactive
  • Capitalization rules
Capitalization. Punctuation. Spelling. Assessment 3 Worksheet
Capitalization. Punctuation. Spelling. Assessment 3 Worksheet

Capitalization. Punctuation. Spelling. Assessment 3 Worksheet

Before starting this worksheet, have your kids spell some simple words. Correct if wrong and show the right spellings. Then, ask them to link the pictures to the words you read out. Spelling is key for a good writer, and kids need to know how to spell to read texts easily.
Capitalization. Punctuation. Spelling. Assessment 3 Worksheet
Fix Capital Letters Worksheet
Fix Capital Letters Worksheet

Fix Capital Letters Worksheet

Put on your hardhats and get out the tools - it's time to do some repair work! Have your child identify sentences written with proper capitalization on this fun and colorful worksheet. Ask more advanced students to rewrite incorrect sentences correctly - it'll help them understand letter case better.
Fix Capital Letters Worksheet
How to Capitalize Worksheet Preview
How to Capitalize Worksheet Preview

How to Capitalize Worksheet

Capitalizing letters is important in English. This worksheet will help your child learn how to write them. Words such as "the" and "I" will be covered, with visuals such as the Statue of Liberty, the American Flag, a castle, and a sombrero. The "How to Capitalize" PDF is a great way to sharpen your child's writing and aid their success!
How to Capitalize Worksheet
Capitalization Key Worksheet Preview
Capitalization Key Worksheet Preview

Capitalization Key Worksheet

Help your kids learn the importance of capitalizing at the start of sentences with this fun PDF! It features 6 family-themed sentences, with pictures, that your students have to find the correctly capitalized versions of. Perfect for young learners, this worksheet adds a fun twist to learning.
Capitalization Key Worksheet
Fix the Sentences Worksheet
Fix the Sentences Worksheet

Fix the Sentences Worksheet

Once your students know the alphabet, teach them words. Then move on to constructing sentences. If they have a handle on sentence structure, give them this worksheet. Ask them to read the sentences and check the correct one.
Fix the Sentences Worksheet
Capitalization of Titles Worksheet
Capitalization of Titles Worksheet

Capitalization of Titles Worksheet

Capitalizing titles can be tricky. This worksheet helps kids do it with ease by focusing on popular book titles. Kids find capitalization much easier with examples from childhood favorites.
Capitalization of Titles Worksheet
Capitalization Worksheet, 1st Grade
Capitalization Worksheet, 1st Grade

Capitalization Rules: Part 1 Worksheet

Kids entering high school with poor capitalization skills? Equip your 1st grader with the tools to combat this now! This capitalization worksheet will give them the knowledge they need to understand the importance of proper grammar rules and get their writing up to scratch.
Capitalization Rules: Part 1 Worksheet
Worksheet: To Capitalize or Not to Capitalize
Worksheet: To Capitalize or Not to Capitalize

Capitalization: To Capitalize or Not? Printable

Have them answer the questions in "To Capitalize or Not to Capitalize" to check their understanding.
Capitalization: To Capitalize or Not? Printable