Ask your kid what kind of moods they usually experience; e.g. sad, happy, hurt or worried. Read aloud the sentences in the worksheet and help them match the situation to the picture. Max 80 words.
This free social studies PDF can help your children learn about their local community. They'll identify its members, places and objects using engaging and recognizable pictures. As they trace circles around them, they'll also practice fine motor skills. It's a great way to introduce social science concepts and help them understand the importance of community.
Help your child learn words and opposites. Look through a worksheet with them. Ask if they can read the underlined words. Then, ask which highlighted word is the opposite of the underlined word. The answer should match the picture.
Love for music is universal! Help your child explore this with this musical instruments worksheet PDF. From learning about different cultures to discovering new sounds, your child will gain a deeper appreciation for music and culture.